I'm sure all of this has already been covered, but I can't help myself.
I have decided go leave this institution of education. Let me explain why. First of all, you coerced me out of my will into joining this university.
This analogy is false. Nobody gets coerced into going to Harvard. If anything, it works the other way around with applicants doing everything in their power to be accepted by the University, not the University doing everything it can to get the students to 'join' (possible exceptions being VIP students that would be prize for the school). A quick google search says Harvard only accepts 6.2 percent of applicants, rejecting many very well qualified students.
In contrast, the JWs constantly recruit and accept everyone who applies as long as they agree to follow the JW man-made rules. Also in contrast, the children of JWs ARE coerced into joining the group.
I was not made thoroughly aware of what is expected of me and given the option to choose whether I would consent to these terms and conditions.
This analogy is false. What is expected of University students is common public knowledge. Harvard preps incoming freshmen about exactly what to expect. Current students freely share what it is like at Harvard. Graduates freely share what it is like at Harvard. estimated costs are posted on the net. "Rate my professor" even tells you how each professor grades and what their individual requirements are.
In contrast, many things about the JW man-made organization, are kept from potential recruits, only to be revealed when the reruit has gotten in deep enough and has enough invested that they will swallow the bad stuff...like shunning family members, for example. Brand new recruits are never told of that one! You have to be fairly committed to the JWs before they tell you that one...
Therefore, I purchased extremely costly textbooks written by your professors. But guess what, I purchased the twelfth edition of these biology and anatomy textbooks. I went online, did some research, and found the first 11 editions. Can you believe how much they have changed the information and illustrations contained therein?? Biology doesnt change. Anatomy isnt changing. One day you want us to believe DNA is everything, then the next day 98% of it is leftover genetic junk DNA, and now its vitally important again. Which is it? Does biology suddenly flip flop what it does? Whatever these pseudo, self appointed, biological innovators say we believe. Every thing they write we are expected to memorize, regurgitate, and blindly accept as truth.
This analogy is completely false. Science does not demand that we blindly accept theories as truth. We accept theories as our current best explanation for the data we see. All students of science understand that theories are THEORIES. Theories are challenged. Better theories emerge and replace old theories...that is how science works...
In contrast, the JWs do not have THEORIES. They claim to have THE TRUTH. JW TRUTH may not be challenged. At all. Period.And the JW TRUTH must be accepted blindly.
Whatever the history book tells us happened, they test us on and REQUIRE us to believe whatever they write.
This is totally false, and pretty much the opposite of what they teach you in college.
I have read several books and can perfectly identify cults and this describes the manner in which your facility operates.
There is no book on cults that describes the way Harvard University operates. There are, however, many books on cults that describe the way the JW Org operates (but don't mention JWs at all). For example, Combatting Cult Mind Control.
Whenever someone disagrees with your beloved administrators they are disciplined and are shunned and thrown out.
People are not shunned for disagreeing with Harvard administrators. Harvard also does not throw people out for disagreeing with administrators.
In contrast, people ARE shunned for disagreeing with the elders or the GB in the JW org.
They cannot tell me, a grown man, what to do. I am done with this cult, and I am throwing away my textbooks! But I will continue to write about, speak about, and think about your organization because I hate it zo much. I must let the world.know about how great of a cult you are
Again, this analogy is false. Former students of Harvard do not have websites to support them and to help them adjust to life outside Harvard, though they are free to make them if they wanted to. But they don't. In contrast, former JWs do have websites to support them and help them adjust to life outside their high control group. As do former Scientologist, and former members of other high control groups.
People who leave Harvard do no describe leaving as 'escaping'. Former JWs do.
People who leave Harvard don't have to sneak out and try to 'fade' in order to keep their families. JWs do.
People who leave Harvard are not punished for the rest of their lives or until they return to Harvard. JWs are punished for the rest of their lives or until they return to the JWs.
People are free to leave Harvard without sufferening blackmail, emotional abuse, and the loss of family.