sd-7: "You must mean Battlestar Galactica."
You got it! I agree, great show.
Quality JW programming at it's best!
FrankWTower: "I wish I could say something out loud about it."
Me too, i wished i had called them out on all of their hypocritical BS.
The Finger: "I was counseled by an Elder about watching "Dallas" and the sexual attitudes portrayed in the Series. When I spoke with his son in law, I was told he was actually taping the James Bond movie whilst he was counselling me at the hall."
That is hilarious! Sometimes i can't even believe the lengths that they will go to, to make sure they're in complete control. I have noticed that they seem to focus mostly on entertainment that has sexual or supernatural themes. Just like the 'James Bond' elder, they seem to let violence slide.
miseryloveselders: "At the District Convention a few years back, they had two kids dressed up like Israelites, and they were playing in the dirt/sand. The one kid was like, "here comes Pharoah and his army." The other kid was like, "here comes the walls crashing down and drowning them all!" They made it seem like it was an action movie and actors and actresses. Effed up religion."
Good God, that HAS got to have some sort of negative impact on a child's mental state. I don't know if that would be considered child abuse (probably not) but it reminds me a lot of some of the things Fred Phelps and his inbred posse have their children do. Scary.
OUTLAW: Those covers are so damn creepy. What's even more disturbing is that the average JW wouldn't even think twice about the 'positive message' they tell.
WTWizard: "In both cases, the witlesses will claim you are inviting demons in because, whether it is a psychic baby-sitter or someone with a gift with animals, they disregard that it could be intuition and claim it is pure spiritism."
Exactly! They are so desperate to find demons in every little corner of the world.
It's sad, really.