I agree BroMac. Perhaps he is one of these brothers who is nice to you but has to tow the line even though thats not what he truly thinks. Its crazy though because I (like many of you) have known some AMAZING JW's in my time, but no matter how lovely, clever, rich, talented, they are... they expect you to follow the organisation blindly. CRACKERS!
JoinedPosts by TimothyT
CO Disfellowshipped in UK
by konceptual99 inso, i have it on very good authority that a co has recently been disfellowshipped in the uk.
he has just finished serving the north west london area.
i don't know any details but perhaps there is someone who does know what happened.
Bethel's Official List of UK CO's and DO's in 2006!
by TimothyT infor those who have been discussing co's and do's in the uk, i managed to dig up a photo from my archives of when i had a visit to bethel in june 2008. because i was an uber witness i just had to have my picture taken in front of the amazing printing presses in london.
also, i saw a poster which listed all of the co's and do's in the uk so i just had to have a picture of it.
i realise that the list was created in 2006, the picture was taken in 2008 and now we are in 2013, so a lot of time has past and im certain the list is totally different now, but atleast there be some names on there you will realise and remember.
Justin Shaw did my baptism talk. He clearly didnt do it well enough tho... :p
Bethel's Official List of UK CO's and DO's in 2006!
by TimothyT infor those who have been discussing co's and do's in the uk, i managed to dig up a photo from my archives of when i had a visit to bethel in june 2008. because i was an uber witness i just had to have my picture taken in front of the amazing printing presses in london.
also, i saw a poster which listed all of the co's and do's in the uk so i just had to have a picture of it.
i realise that the list was created in 2006, the picture was taken in 2008 and now we are in 2013, so a lot of time has past and im certain the list is totally different now, but atleast there be some names on there you will realise and remember.
And there he is... Colin Bird...#27... Gwynedd No1.
If that was in 2006 then all that crap in my congregation with him must have kicked off before his 3 years were up - The latest September 2009! When do the CO's rotate. Its 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15 isnt it?
Bethel's Official List of UK CO's and DO's in 2006!
by TimothyT infor those who have been discussing co's and do's in the uk, i managed to dig up a photo from my archives of when i had a visit to bethel in june 2008. because i was an uber witness i just had to have my picture taken in front of the amazing printing presses in london.
also, i saw a poster which listed all of the co's and do's in the uk so i just had to have a picture of it.
i realise that the list was created in 2006, the picture was taken in 2008 and now we are in 2013, so a lot of time has past and im certain the list is totally different now, but atleast there be some names on there you will realise and remember.
For those who have been discussing CO's and DO's in the UK, I managed to dig up a photo from my archives of when I had a visit to bethel in June 2008. Because I was an uber witness I just had to have my picture taken in front of the amazing printing presses in London. Also, I saw a poster which listed all of the CO's and DO's in the UK so I just HAD to have a picture of it. I realise that the list was created in 2006, the picture was taken in 2008 and now we are in 2013, so a lot of time has past and im certain the list is totally different now, but atleast there be some names on there you will realise and remember. I cant believe how smug I was (gay too... look at my limp wrist)!
List of UK Travelling Overseers in 2013
by soiledumpling inhi pepeep am attempting to get a current list of uk travelling overseers.
left 4 years ago and have heard rumours of many new ones.
Lol. Dunno. Ask Slidin Fast! :)
List of UK Travelling Overseers in 2013
by soiledumpling inhi pepeep am attempting to get a current list of uk travelling overseers.
left 4 years ago and have heard rumours of many new ones.
Damn it... ok. Ill try to find a way. I got something here that I wanna show you guys! :)
List of UK Travelling Overseers in 2013
by soiledumpling inhi pepeep am attempting to get a current list of uk travelling overseers.
left 4 years ago and have heard rumours of many new ones.
Does anyone remember Edmond Kerr. When I was a kid he reminded me of a penguin! HAHA! :)
By the way, how do I post a picture from my computer? I can only manage to link files from sites!
CO Disfellowshipped in UK
by konceptual99 inso, i have it on very good authority that a co has recently been disfellowshipped in the uk.
he has just finished serving the north west london area.
i don't know any details but perhaps there is someone who does know what happened.
Makes sense. The whole event that took place with Colin and the elder from my hall took place around 4 years ago. Im just trying to pinpoint a day. I was in Uni at the time so it was between 07-09. I feel it being closer than further so im willing to say somewhere around May 2009. Im not sure though.
I remember what happened though during his final visit. Instead of Colin we had Brother Renouf (who was lovely by the way) come round with his wife Jean (who died not so long ago :( ) to take over the visit. Appart from his talks being lovely and his announcement to the congregation that 'the way is always open for certain ones to return brothers!', he came round to our house one day for dinner. My non JW mum cooked him dinner and he was so gracious with her. She flicked guitar hero on and started asking him if he wanted to play. Lol. He didnt but he was so cool about it. He was also impressed that i was in uni which took me aback.
In other news we also had Colin Bird in our house once for the ministry arrangment. He came in and sat on the sofa, which my cat had been sleeping on. He got up and was well pissed off! In his broad Scottish accent, he exclaimed: 'EWWWW NEWWW, AHHH GOOT CAT HEEERS EN MEE SOOOT!!!' That annoyed my mum as he was so pissy about it. Lol. Not a very good witness there. Its crazy to think how so many others on this board know these people and have shared meals with them likely.
My friend's conversation with a JW about me! Lol!
by TimothyT inone of my old friends from work, who i used to have lots of spiritual conversations with, messaged me on facebook before and told me how he had a call from the jws this morning.
here is our conversation from facebook when he told me what happened:.
my friend: any way funny thing today, some jehovos came to me door and we were having a chat and i told them i didnt agree with their religion saying i was biased because i had a friend who used to be one and was kicked out for being gay and how could they preach like love etc and be so discriminative and then said they would know you mentioned your name and he did know you, and has even been on holiday with you in the past.
Shamus: Haha. When I would pray the gay away, nothing happened. I could only mask my gayness. In the end I got fed up... blah blah blah... I remember the elder showing me James 5... saying that they would pray for me. Errrr right... it doesnt work like that. Nevermind.
Im much happier now. I am half way through a psychology course focusing on making other people's lives better by making them happy. I think I would know if my own life is happy. :D
Incidently, the moment I stopped going to the meeting my unhappiness disappeared and Ive not been sad for a SECOND since. How about that! What a weird correlation!!!
My friend's conversation with a JW about me! Lol!
by TimothyT inone of my old friends from work, who i used to have lots of spiritual conversations with, messaged me on facebook before and told me how he had a call from the jws this morning.
here is our conversation from facebook when he told me what happened:.
my friend: any way funny thing today, some jehovos came to me door and we were having a chat and i told them i didnt agree with their religion saying i was biased because i had a friend who used to be one and was kicked out for being gay and how could they preach like love etc and be so discriminative and then said they would know you mentioned your name and he did know you, and has even been on holiday with you in the past.
Mickey Mouse - PM