Your welcome! Let me know how it goes! Iv tried to reason these scriptures with so many lately to no avail!
See you soon
Tim :)
i am looking for which wt, and a quote that, if i remember correctly went something like, "jehovah and jesus trust the faithful and discreet slave, shouldn't you?".
i want to show this to my mother and compare it to psalm 146:3:.
"do not put your trust in nobles,.
Your welcome! Let me know how it goes! Iv tried to reason these scriptures with so many lately to no avail!
See you soon
Tim :)
i know there are many active jw's here and was just wondering if anyone is going to take advantage of april's special of only 30 hours for the month.. i actually might, just to irk some of the elders that can't figure me out in their minds.. it would involve 2 long days ... that's it.
even i can go out in fs in the morning with the group and hang out at bus stops and train stations the rest of the day.. i am really tempted.. rub a dub.
Hehe... Im doing it! I was the first one in the cong to hand my form in! What a kiss ass! HAHA!!!
The main reason why im doing it is because we have the CO visit in April and i want to see what they chat about!
Also i average about 30 hours every month anyway so its no problem.
It sounds odd but the main reason i go on the ministry now is to teach people the REAL TRUTH about Jesus and the bible!
Im sick of brothers using all this faithful slave bull shi*! JESUS IS IN CHARGE!
Today i went out with a King James Bible! One sister wasnt impressed! OPEN YOUR MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha! Anyway... im looking forward to it! :)
Tim x
i am looking for which wt, and a quote that, if i remember correctly went something like, "jehovah and jesus trust the faithful and discreet slave, shouldn't you?".
i want to show this to my mother and compare it to psalm 146:3:.
"do not put your trust in nobles,.
This doctrine is one of my pet HATES!!!
Read Watchtower 2009, 15th February, 'They Keep Following the Lamb', page 27, paragraph 11. Im going to read the entire article now!
"The Slave Is Faithful and Discreet
11 Since Jehovah God and Jesus Christ completely trust the faithful and discreet slave, should we not do the same? After all, the slave has shown itself to be faithful in doing its assigned work. For example, the Watchtower magazine has been published for some 130 years. Meetings, assemblies, and conventions of Jehovah’s Witnesses continue to build us up spiritually."
Hope that helps!
Show your mother what the bible REALLY teaches! :) Good for you!
Let me know how you get on!
Timmy X :)
im reading ray franz's book crisis of conscience!
it is brilliant!
he brings out some amazing points as to the credibility of the governing body!
Hi everyone,
Im reading Ray Franz's book Crisis of Conscience! IT IS BRILLIANT! He brings out some AMAZING points as to the credibility of the Governing Body! I cant believe how many in my congregation go along with it... I never realy agreed with it anyway! Are they truly Gods channel? After studying this myself, i realised that Jesus is the channel! John 14:6! Its plain and simple isnt it! So why are the GB still in power?
Why do they have power to interfere with people's lives and take away their free will? Trust me, as i have grown up as a JW, i have seen and heard some pretty STUPID things... Laws and rules which in my opinion arent mentioned in the bible and some which are CONTRARY to it! Its almost pharisaical! (Matthew 23:23-34) Beards is my pet hate!!!!
Up to now, this is the most striking and also the most important part of the book i have read:
"On the occasion earlier mentioned, following Milton Henschel’s
expression, my comment was that I did not believe that it was up
to us to “let” the brothers do anything. Rather, I believed that God is
the One who “lets” them do certain things, either because his Word
approves it or because it is silent on the matter, and that He is the One
that prohibits, when his Word clearly condemns the action, either
explicitly or by clear principle. That I did not believe that as imperfect,
error-prone men we were ever authorized by God to decide what
should be allowed or disallowed for others. My question before the
Body was, “When the matter is not clear in Scripture, why should
we try to play God? We do so poorly at it. Why not let Him be
the Judge of these people in such cases?” I repeated that view on
other occasions when the same line of argument was being advanced,
but I do not feel that the majority saw it in that light and their
decisions indicated that they did not."
Raymond Franz, Crisis of Conscience, page 119.
POWER POWER POWER! Apart from the fact that many people ARE benefitting from the worldwide preaching work about Jehovah God and the ransom of Jesus, i can only see the other plausible goal is pure hedonistic POWER!!!
What are the goals of the Governing Body?
Timmy x :)
i was doing some research yesterday on this scripture: 1 corinthians 4:6!.
"now, brothers, these things i have transferred so as to apply to myself and a?pollos for your good, that in our case you may learn the [rule]: do not go beyond the things that are written, in order that you may not be puffed up individually in favor of the one against the other.".
read this from the watchtower 2008, april 15th, page 7:.
Hi everyone!
I was doing some research yesterday on this scripture: 1 Corinthians 4:6!
"Now, brothers, these things I have transferred so as to apply to myself and A?pol′los for YOUR good, that in our case YOU may learn the [rule]: “Do not go beyond the things that are written,” in order that YOU may not be puffed up individually in favor of the one against the other."
Read this from the Watchtower 2008, April 15th, page 7:
When it comes to valueless words, elders too learn an important lesson. Whenever they are called upon to give counsel, they bear in mind their limitations and do not presume to offer counsel solely from their own personal store of knowledge. They should always point to what the Bible says. A sound rule is found in the words of the apostle Paul: “Do not go beyond the things that are written.” (1 Cor. 4:6) Elders do not go beyond the things that are written in the Bible. And by extension, they do not go beyond the Bible-based counsel written in the publications of the faithful and discreet slave.
I laughed when i read this! DO NOT GO BEYOND the bible... then in the very next paragraph they are saying, IN EXTENSION listen to the WS publications! Isnt the word extension a synonym for going beyond??? How very odd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dont go beyond the bible, but you can listen to the things we have written beyond the bible!!! Its very contradictory and makes no sense!
What do you all think?
Tim :)
1. were you yourself converted from a religion other than jw to becoming a jw by door to door work?.
2.did you succeed in converting somebody in your own door to door work causing them to change religions to the point of baptism?.
quick answers, please.. .
tim here.... ok... stupid question.... if i buy a thumb ring will it make me look gay in the kingdom hall?.
incidently i am a gay jw and i dont want to let on to any brothers, but i realy like the idea of having one to look cool!.
is that gay?
Haha... your comments have made me laugh! Lol!
Im going to buy one! Like some have said, i couldnt care less anyway!
Im not a gay looking person realy, but i want the ring simply because i think it will look cool! :)
Thanks fo your answers! :)
tim here.... ok... stupid question.... if i buy a thumb ring will it make me look gay in the kingdom hall?.
incidently i am a gay jw and i dont want to let on to any brothers, but i realy like the idea of having one to look cool!.
is that gay?
Hi everyone,
Tim here...
Ok... stupid question...
If i buy a thumb ring will it make me look gay in the Kingdom Hall?
Incidently I am a gay JW and i dont want to let on to any brothers, but i realy like the idea of having one to look cool!
Is that gay? Should i give a damn?
Lol... Thanks!
Tim xxx
if you had to guess what point of their teaching.
the governing body wants jws to really, really understand,.
24:45.. the comment highlights that because jesus "did not say that there would be a multitude of slaves scattered throughout the various sects of christendom.
What a brilliant thread! :)
I am still a JW, but i consider this scripture to be the MOST missaplied! When it is quoted (which is EVERY meeting) i cringe!
I agree with all of you - its JUST an illustration, the point of which is clear: KEEP ON THE WATCH!!! Its simple isnt it!
Personaly, i dont believe there is a faithful slave yet! After the master has arrived - which i understand to be the great day of Jehovah - then he will then apoint one over all his domestics!
If there is a faithful slave now, then i believe there are many as the context suggests in Matthew 25!
I have seen all to often how the GB plucks scriptures out of the bible and contextualy misapplies them. :@
Whatever the purpose is, i hope its an honourable one... because if it isnt, Jah is going to be rather upset with them as it clearly states in Matthew 24!
Tim :)
im 23 and im still a jw.
the jehovahs witnesses claim that god is using their earthly organisation in the last days!
im realy not too sure.
Mad Sweeney: Thanks! I enjoy more and more deep study these days! Im currently reading the book of Matthew and im loving it! Im almost on to Matthew 24 and 25! Im going to spend days on it! Realy trying to understand it as best as i can! Thanks for summing up the main books and for sending me some info too! I now have the book by Franz and i look forward to reading it! Ill let you know what i think when i find the time to sit down and go through it!
Este: I agree! Its a parable! Of course it has some meaning but i dont agree with the way it has been applied! The condition of course is VERY important: IF!!! How can a slave pronounce himself faithful and discreet! Of course, perhaps Jesus did appoint them in 1914... but im not so sure! It sounds quite pious to me... a simple way of gaining control! After all... anyone can say... IM THE FAITHFUL SLAVE... LISTEN TO ME!!! Surely some people say: "Wait a second!"But 99% of them just believe it! Thats a little fickle and gullible dont you think? Im glad i think about things, and im glad you all do too! :)
Jgnat: Intertesting points! The slave is always last! In our studies at the meeting, i hear them revere the FADS SOOO much and it makes me cringe! One brother said from the platform... "we thank the faithful and discreet slave so much for their provisions" I looked at my dad and said... "and what about thanking Jehovah?" We agreed it was a little unfair! I can see why you think its arrogant! In many ways, i do too! Anyway, every day i feel more enlightened! Thanks for your thoughts!
Larsinger58: Thanks for your post! Ill have to read that few times to get the sense of it! HAHA!!! The whole business with numbers and dates in the bible, im a bit iffy with! I have seen people in the past just pluck numbers out from anwhere and apply them how they want! Ohhh... there were 12 disciples times by 365 days take away 3.5 years times by the square route of 70 weeks shared by the four figurative horns on a cow to equal the date of Armageddon! If seen it before... most of it is just crap! The truth is... as it says in Matthew 24 and 25... keep on the watch... for you dont know the date or the hour! Perhaps the bible has true indications as to when Jesus will return... but i just focus on being a good Christian and hopefuly when Jesus does return and appoint a FADS, he will see me as a good person! :) Im sure he will do the same for you too! :) Despite my skepticism on such dates, i suppose its still interesting to look at! :)