I still refer to women that do not believe in GOD as "worldly". There is a huge difference between a female that believes in GOD to one that does not. For one, worldly females have their own views about dating and tend to do as they please, even as far as being with another female. They lie, they cheat, they are out after what you have to offer them materially. As for a "spiritual" female there still exists worldly desires, however, they make it a point to adhere to a set of rules based upon their belief in GOD. You have a better chance with a "spiritual" female than a "worldly" one for a lasting relationship. I relay this to you based upon my own experiences. Also drugs, drinking, smoking, and all of the habits of this world come attached to worldly females. Are you willing to put up with a drunk, or drug addict? Many many problems for the people of the world, you are better off listening to GOD and remaining with a female with the love for GOD.......
Oh good lord. Please disregard anything the nut above says. Me thinks he's still in love with the sound of his own voice and how great he thinks his aging body looks.
My advice is to take it slow. Concentrate on getting to know this girl. Have fun. It you're not ready for sex and think the third date is too soon, tell her. I once dated a guy who was coming off of being celibate for 18 months abd he asked that we wait for three months. I was fine with that, at least he told me why.
Just take it slow, get to know the girl, and have fun.
Pay no attention to the women behind the curtain she is just blowing steam lol.....
Go ahead and date a worldy female and see if what I say is not true......vicious women hidden behind a mask is a worldly female.
(my body is in better shape than yours Mrs Jones, I guarantee it )
I can't say that I have much practical experience when it comes to dating but I know one thing; lying and pretentiousness will lead to disaster in the end. Be the best YOU that you can be. Don't pretend to be what you're not. And of course, take your time to get to know the girl: don't be in a rush.
I'm too new here to have any clue what this Estephan douchebag has been up to before, but common sense will tell you that he's right crazy. He's a freaking nutter. Don't listen to a damn thing he says. UGH!
I agree with the point you are making. A woman with a "Spiritual Christian Foundation" is less likely to have problems because of her Christian "roots". Not all women (or men), but I would agree that most will have less problems as compared to those who have no Christian upbringing or are not currently rooted in some Christian life. When a person has made their foundation through a life of at least "trying" to adhere to Christlike principles, I think the outcome will be much better the majority of the time.
I have had the experience with worldly females, and have even photographed them. There is nothing more attractive to me then a clean, well groomed. well mannered, and humble female. So unlike the flaunty "look at me" type of female that is so prevalent in this world today. It is true of today where the scripture says that people will be lovers of themselves. I have become wise to the ways of a worldly female and will not cave into their wicked ways. A strong wise man will guard his heart from the cunningness of a women that attracts with desires of the flesh, especially those that are attractive in appearance. A kind man will attract those like minded, so a good man will find a good women.