@ trevorbv
I can understand your suspicious attitude
In fact I was browsing this site since some time, when the elders started looking for me big time. Now I am off - not anymore in the Borg and just trying to find some people from my area here.
Long story made short: baptized in '97, married with a JW for 8 years, stopped going to the meetings around 2001, now divorced and married a normal person, they started to search for me this year, didn't return calls, they made visits, I kind of shut them off, they threaten with JC (for smoking, not for divorce ), I sent legal letter, they probably went up on the vine to the legal dept and DFd me after about 3 months (I heard it was announced). I kept my legal threats, asked a lawyer to send letter for legal conciliation to all the members of the JC, the local cong and the country hq - they never showed up to the meeting. I am prepareing to launch a forum for people like me in local and I have messed up all the elders in the cong with SMS messages during the last DC, just to annoy them - I had a friend at the DC and he was texting me which speaker is on and then I sent relevant annoying messages to all the elders
To advertise my new site and forum (to be launched in August 15th) I have filled the streets near the KH with posters and tomorrow I am planning to go to the service meeting with some of my friends who were DFs from the same cong.
trevorbv I hope you are not suspicious anymore....