Your feelings and emotions are probably a lot more common than you know, and easily understood. You can't live your entire life in the atmosphere you were raised, then expect to compensate right away. Give yourself time. Maybe what you're offering is too much information too soon. Casual acquaintances don't usually need much info about your past, but you might want to share more when you get closer to a person. If questioned, maybe a short answer would be better without adding details. Things like, "we were pretty sheltered. Home schooled and parents were religious freaks," said with a smile. "Quite an eye opener not being in that environment any longer." You can tell by their reaction if you think it would be better to wait a while to share more.
Wish I could be some help. Can't really tell you what you want to hear, but if it helps, know that others have felt, and will feel, just like you. I've noticed people don't care much about anything as long as you listen to their story, try to sincerely feel empathy for their frustrations and happiness for their success, and make them feel important. Everyone truly IS important. Some you have to look harder to see it, but it's there.
You'll soon adjust and it'll be worth your wait. In the "world" as opposed to JW's, you can make "real" friends. Not fair weather, follow the rules or we'll shun you people. Best wishes to you and I hope you'll let us know how things are going for you.