Let's start a countdown to see how long before the word "Watchtower" is completely expunged from the JW vocabulary... that is definitely part of the rebranding plan it seems.
JoinedPosts by RayPublisher
A new start? Watchtower renaming at HQ Columbia Heights
by Gorbatchov infriends,.
who was in any doubt that our jw believe is a marketing model, see this pictures of the still existing hq of jw at columbia heights.. earlier comments on jwn that something is going to change in the organisation, these comments are true.. in a few years we will not talk about the watchtower society, we wil talk about jw.org.
i think the current leadership will make a transfer to a new start.
Is the WTS backing away from "Bible Tall Tales" ?
by Simon inwhen i was a kid, it seemed like not a meeting went by when you didn't hear about jonah or sampson and other tall tales from the bible.. now though, they seem to have been sidelined.
i guess the rest of the world caught on to the fact that these stories couldn't possibly be true and were so far fetched (yeah, even by bible standards) that they are just treated as 'stories' like aesop's fables.
saying that you believe in them as genuine accounts just makes you look like a crazy zealot.. but the wts is different.
I think this is a good topic because as science continues to advance and more and more rational people (even religious ones) start to embrace technology and true history they are going to see that the Bible certainly cannot be taken so literally.
A Bible story about Noah, Samson, Adam and Eve, etc. could simply be STORIES and people are starting to see that they don't have to view every word as literally true.
by EdenOne inhello everyone.. after months of neglect, i've resumed writing for my website.. the new article deals with the issue of shunning among the jehovah's witnesses.. it attempts to disentangle disfellowshipping from shunning, and demonstrating that shunning is a practice unbecoming of a christian.
i hope you find it interesting the article shunning - unchristian psychological torture.. it's divided into the following sections:.
Great job Eden. It's great to have another well written article to prove that the JWs and the WT Corp is a harmful cult-like group.
Don't worry about ones that like to pick things apart they are a dime a dozen lol. ;)
Finally sending a letter to the elders today
by Suraj Khan infigured i'd give them a shot to explain why i was expelled from the congregation 23 years ago without counsel or a jc.
dear sirs:.
i attended the xxxx congregation in the mid-1980s as a teenaged unbaptized publisher.
Great idea to write this- please update as events unfold SK!
Elder blows a head gasket
by Crazyguy inok so today while at breakfast get a phone call fom my daughter asking were i am because an elder/ friend had stoped by my house hoping to see me.
its been a few months since ive seen this guy and the only one that seems to actually care.
so anyway he meets me at were i was having breakfast and we start to talk.
At my JC I asked the elders if Jesus was their mediator and every time they had to say something like, "Jesus is our mediator THROUGH the FDS" it was pathetic and I have that on audio!
Does anyone know what is happening with Italy's (Rome) Bethel???
by LoisLane looking for Superman inthere are rumors out, that the italy (rome) bethel is being shut down and putting out to pasture a large portion of the bethel staff.. has anyone heard anything... ?.
the word is that everyone but the most senior members will be let go.
the senior bethel family members will be reassigned.
Even with the page translated it's a little hard to follow.
Somethin is rotten in the State of Bethel Italy that's for sure...
The Great Crowd and 144K explained
by Crazyguy ini was talking to the person who posts on this site www.wernerbiblecommentary.org and we were talking about his understanding of the great crowd and the 144k (his whole article is on the site).
anyway if you look at rev 5:10 these look to be the same as the great-crowd, being from the nations etc.
and are dead.
Wernerbiblecommentary.org is a very scholarly site and this man has written thousands of pages of commentary on the Bible. A very good reference.
I will say no more.
Thanks to the OP. My daughter LOVES the Dr. I am going to send this to her right now.
Circuit Overseer who gave talk at Twickenham is DIsfellowshipped
by usualusername inevening.
i have it from 1st hand (or second) that a circuit overseer who gave a talk at twickenham in august 2013 has been disfellowshipped.. .
my dilemma?
Have you reached out to him and tried to let him know that he is not alone? Has he read Coc? These are the things that interest me, bc he could he helped immensely to escape MENTALLY from the WT Cult which still likely has his mind on their side. Also he could become suicidal, etc. and we don't want that either.
What were Albert Einstien's Religious Beliefs?
by KateWild inthis was covered a little on another thread and interested me.
i have always been convinced einstien believed in god.
i assumed what i had learned was correct and never thought i was taught something wrong.. i have seen some points posters have made.
Cool quotes. We like Einstein!
Although I wouldn't like him if he ate babies cantleave...just saying.