@ Billy -Did the smell get you high Billy??
@ Ann - "Ray, give it to a charity (a real charity - not the WT$)."
Yes ma'am I will donate to a bell ringer this week.
Oh and thanks for the reminder not to give it to the WT$...Duhhhhhh!
i recently heard a very funny story about this strange (and common) plant and did some research on it.
i already knew a little about it like the common name, etc., but what i found amazed me.. .
@ Billy -Did the smell get you high Billy??
@ Ann - "Ray, give it to a charity (a real charity - not the WT$)."
Yes ma'am I will donate to a bell ringer this week.
Oh and thanks for the reminder not to give it to the WT$...Duhhhhhh!
i recently heard a very funny story about this strange (and common) plant and did some research on it.
i already knew a little about it like the common name, etc., but what i found amazed me.. .
@ Vidiot - I THOUGHT OF L.S.O.H. ALSO when I first saw it! (The movie version with Rick Moranis, Steve Martin, et al.)
i recently heard a very funny story about this strange (and common) plant and did some research on it.
i already knew a little about it like the common name, etc., but what i found amazed me.. .
Ann beat you to it!
i recently heard a very funny story about this strange (and common) plant and did some research on it.
i already knew a little about it like the common name, etc., but what i found amazed me.. .
If anyone is thinking of being nuts and trying it read this real-life experince of someone who ate the seeds:
Yet native peoples have been using this powerful weed for eons in medicinal and spiritual ways:
This practice of smoking datura to relieve asthma has its origins in traditional Ayurvedic medicine in India. After this was discovered during the late 18th century by James Anderson, the English Physician-General of the East India Company, the practice quickly became popular in Europe. [ 19 ] [ 20 ]
The Zuni used to use datura as an analgesic, to render patients unconscious while broken bones were set. [ 21 ] The Chinese also used it in this manner, as a form of anaesthesia during surgery. [ 22 ]
Atropine and scopolamine (both of which are found in very high concentrations in datura) are muscarinic antagonists which can be used to treat Parkinson's disease and motion sickness, and to inhibit parasympathetic stimulation of the urinary tract, respiratory tract, GI tract, heart and eye. [ 23 ]
Datura can be used to assist in the process of breaking drug addictions, by reducing the symptoms of delirium tremens and morphine withdrawals. [ 22 ]
Other medicinal uses for datura include providing relief from sore throat or toothache and getting rid of parasites. [ 24 ]
Datura should be avoided by patients with heart problems, glaucoma, enlarged prostate, urinary difficulties, fluid buildup in the lungs, or bowel obstructions. [ 25 ]
For centuries, Datura stramonium has been used as a mystical sacrament which brings about powerful visions (lasting for days) and opens the user to communication with spirit world.
The ancient inhabitants of what is today central and southern California used to ingest the small black seeds of datura to "commune with deities through visions". [ 26 ] Across the Americas, other indigenous peoples such as the Algonquin, Cherokee, Marie Galente and Luiseño also utilized this plant in sacred ceremonies for its hallucinogenic properties. [ 23 ] [ 24 ] [ 27 ] In Ethiopia, some students and debtrawoch (lay priests), use D. stramonium to "open the mind" to be more receptive to learning, and creative and imaginative thinking. [ 28 ]
The common name "datura" has its roots in ancient India, where the plant is considered particularly sacred—believed to be a favorite of the Hindu god Shiva Nataraja. [ 20 ]
i recently heard a very funny story about this strange (and common) plant and did some research on it.
i already knew a little about it like the common name, etc., but what i found amazed me.. .
I owe Ann $5 and I will pay up! I'll send it via paypal okay? PM me the email addy you want me to use...
And yes I DID think "Goats in a tree" meant Goatee!!! But not while on Datura Stramonium...
i recently heard a very funny story about this strange (and common) plant and did some research on it.
i already knew a little about it like the common name, etc., but what i found amazed me.. .
I recently heard a very funny story about this strange (and common) plant and did some research on it. I already knew a little about it like the common name, etc., but what I found amazed me.
god's word is beneficial ca:.
full time service:.
there are sound reasons for pioneering.. 1) it's the most satisfying work there is.. 2) you cooperate even more fully with the angels and the anointed [ which equals the gb/fds, not sister old mcsingletilldeath.].
I can't believe you still go to these things... that would make me jump right out a high window Data Dog.
i found it important to be honest with my wife.
so i told her about my conscience decision that in a medical urgency i want blodless medicine but if a transfusion of blood or the 4 prohibited components is necessary to save my life or health i would accept it.
this would apply especially also for our child (that is not such a problem as in our country the wts recommends to comply with doctors as they have the right to decide concerning minors).. i showed her the reasons why i came to that conscience decision (biblical and logical reasons) and that jehovah and jesus do not like anyone to die because of this wrong bible application.. .
Yes they are definintely phasing out the blood ban and intend to do away with it very gradually. It's the only way they can indemnify themselves as mentioned.
Meanwhile, if one or two members each month die from the current blood policy oh well that is collateral damage and they will wake up in paradise so what's the big deal?
Billy you can have that wish (and more) for the unbelievable price of only $250 because it is Cyber Monday! ;)
i am secretly in love with a woman who is a witch.. the brothers have on idea about this.. i am happy with her, the women from the hall never showed me true love.. .
what should i do ?.
You know the answer already MM... do the right thing and don't destroy something that is beautiful!