Positive change never comes easy and it won't come if we all sit on our hands or type comments telling someone it's all a big waste of time. They said that to Ghandi and to MLK Jr also.
Good job Comatose keep us informed!
BTW the letter by Greybeard appears to have made a difference bc they completely stayed away from him after that. And a lady that I know personally used the psuedo-legal letter threat angle when one of the elders did something very hinkey to her and it would be a big fat embarassment for them to drag through the courts. WT does not want any more bad press and regularly "leaves alone" certain ones they don't want to give potential media attention to. This "JW" lady cannot be touched now and is still technically a Witness, has over 100 JW relatives that have been specifically told by their elders not to shun her even though she has made it known that she goes to another church now.