This fellow is intelligent, skilled in the medical field, and covered some points I had not heard before.
if you like these here's one with a fellow that has gotten his family out recently:.
This fellow is intelligent, skilled in the medical field, and covered some points I had not heard before.
if you like these here's one with a fellow that has gotten his family out recently:.
If you like these here's one with a fellow that has gotten his family out recently:
2014 the watchtower, april 15, page 6.
In practice pure fantasy. If Oprah makes it through the big "A" then she would have to interview him in on Bethel closed-circuit TV.
i had no idea, having come from such a sheltered life, how tantalizing those little text messages could be.
i'm a married man.
my wife has pretty much decided that sex is not for her anymore.
It takes courage to share this with us bro...listen to the good advice on here and think it through.
i used to have a webpage saved and i have lost it.
a young man and his wife had faded.
they had a birthday party for their child and were called before a judicial committee.
Positive change never comes easy and it won't come if we all sit on our hands or type comments telling someone it's all a big waste of time. They said that to Ghandi and to MLK Jr also.
Good job Comatose keep us informed!
BTW the letter by Greybeard appears to have made a difference bc they completely stayed away from him after that. And a lady that I know personally used the psuedo-legal letter threat angle when one of the elders did something very hinkey to her and it would be a big fat embarassment for them to drag through the courts. WT does not want any more bad press and regularly "leaves alone" certain ones they don't want to give potential media attention to. This "JW" lady cannot be touched now and is still technically a Witness, has over 100 JW relatives that have been specifically told by their elders not to shun her even though she has made it known that she goes to another church now.
10 years ago i stopped attending jehovah's witness meetings for good.
walked out of the kingdom hall cold turkey never to return based on injustices i observed among others and myself at the hands of elders giving out not god's counsel but personal opinions as counsel .
some of them weren't even giving out wt society counsel- just personal opinions.
Kudos Mr Flipper!! You have a PM!
launch an investigation on jehovahs witnesses religious policy that violates human rights and abuses religious freedom.
it was great to interview my friend and talk to him about his experiences at bethel and how he left the wt thinking and mind-set behind:.
what do you guys think?
@NC - What does that link have to do with anything about this thread? You lost me there...
Also there is one JW hater on there trying to condemn him, asking for "details" on why he was DFed; so pathetic and typical.
it was great to interview my friend and talk to him about his experiences at bethel and how he left the wt thinking and mind-set behind:.
what do you guys think?
It was great to interview my friend and talk to him about his experiences at Bethel and how he left the WT thinking and mind-set behind:
What do you guys think? Should I do more interviews on my YT channel?
Is N7 going to be our new JW Apologist? Cool!
BTW N7 how many videos have you done on your YouTube channel? May we watch them?