The eye and the brain are incredibly good at pattern-matching and at seeing and making connections between seemingly random data...even when the data actually IS RANDOM. Ergo, sometimes we see what we want to see.
• Flying saucer photo from 1960s believed to THIS DAY by some to be proof was prooved to be a pie tin tossed in the air.
• A satellite photo of the martian surface showed a face, PROOF that the little green mars men were trying to communicate with us. When the same spot was later viewed from another angle the "face" was a completely unrecognizable pile of rocks.
• Crop circles, proved to be done by a farmer with a simple homemade device.
• Jesus' face in a tortilla, grilled cheese sandwich, et al.
On and on it goes. And I believe in a higher power personally but these silly photos do not prove anything at all.