@ Steve 2 - Thanks Steve I understand what you are saying.
My buddy Christian Sparlock added this great comment too:

Excellent point about their baptism hypocrisy . Comparing to their
advice on marriage. I also was coerced into baptism . Like the "suggested video"
flyout feature . Here's proof they baptize as young as SIX.
"In the summer of 1946, I was baptized at the international convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Although I was only SIX years of age, I was determined to fulfill my dedication to Jehovah."
WATCHTOWER 1992 3/1 p.27
Preaching and Teaching Earth Wide
"BAPTIZED AT SEVEN. Paola, who lives in western Mexico, is being raised by her grandparents."
Jehovahs Witnesses Year Book 2011 p.58
@ Blondie - I like your research and your work Ms. Blondie don't think I don't!
You can quote all the WT words you want Sis, page after page... They know and we all know that it is a risk. Did you actually watch the content of the video I wonder? The point is that they say it WITHOUT ACTUALLY saying it, that baptism is a risk.
That's called reading between the lines. One example is when they would send us elders "suggestions" (when I was in that bunch) and we all KNEW they weren't actually suggestions they were commands. It's the same thing here. They are spin doctors and propagandists and they know what they are doing when they manipulate the dubb pubs by intimating that it is a risk.
BTW the title is "Baptism is a risk says JW.org" vis a vis the WT Org. it's not "The WTS does not see baptism as a risk, only individual jws do!" that would be a pretty dull title don't you think?