I like what gubberningbody wrote.
"The word "Faith" has been used by too many people in too many different ways to be useful any more."
Those who believe that faith has value seem to disagree as to what exactly it is. This is, of course, the problem with words... their meaning can quite often be uncertain, and adjusted to suit the person's belief.
Fernando wrote:
Faith is best understood once experienced. I also strongly doubt it can be understood unless experienced.
Which basically means that, in answer to my original question, "No, it is not possible to define it in a simple, logical, unambiguous way."
I was looking at the Christianity questions on StackExchange.com, and I came across someone who referred to himself as an Athiest Christian, or Christian Athiest, and he was giving strange answers to questions. People were asking him for the sources to his answers, and he explained that if you make up a religion you don't need sources, because you're the source. Bizarre... right? Anyway, I agree that it's unusual to hear of faith only applying to certain beliefs.
People have already explained #1... so according to that definition (faith is not based on proof), you can believe and have proof, as long as your belief is not based on your proof. I can accept that, but it does beg the question as to what your belief is based on.
I disagree with your statement "Infants aren’t stupid." I think that infants are actually pretty stupid. Depends on your definition of stupid, I guess. You wrote "Infants must take a great deal of their interactions with the world on faith." I suppose you could say that if an infant saw a scary movie he would have faith that there's a monster under his bed. If we all acted like infants... Anyway, I'm not sure exactly what your point is there, so I'll move on.
I agree that we can probably not be 100% certain of anything, if we're honest with ourselves.
Your point about art seems to be the same as what Fernando wrote, that faith cannot be explained, in which case your answer to my original question would also be, "No, it is not possible to define it in a simple, logical, unambiguous way."
I do of course have a big problem with words that cannot be defined... words that "you have to experience it to find out." I used to be a Christian for many years, having what I believed was "faith". I should therefore have had this magical experience and know precisely what faith is, but instead, now that I've read many books and become a lot wiser I can simply say that what I had was merely ignorance and the common ability to make excuses for things which were illogical but was told that I had to believe anyway.