I'm edgy today, forgive me. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah...
Im not surprised, tripping yourself and everyone out with your dodgy website findings
I'm edgy today, forgive me. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah...
Im not surprised, tripping yourself and everyone out with your dodgy website findings
The MDS person seems to have a lot of knowledge of the Bible but then so do the brothers at headquarters. If what he says is true, why wouldn’t they be able to see it?
The same could be said of Jesus and the Pharisees back in that day. Now we all know the story... and history has this nack of repeating itself.
anyone got much out of 'not available' recently.
i was in the chat rooms for hours and nothing.. heres a sample....... .
4:12:35> isp has joined the chat.
i have this gut feeling he might...
for eyes:.
1. stop referring to yourself as being raised "in the truth.
" call it what is.
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caught this nugget in news of the weird, a united features syndicate by chuck shepard (clipped from creative loafing in atlanta, ga).
god's will.
a 45-year old woman who was killed as she walked onto i-55 near sherman, ill., in october was revealed to have been a member of a jehovah's witnesses breakaway group that believes they should test their faith (much like snake-handlers do) by standing in the middle of traffic.
That brings to mind the temptation of Jesus...
"You shall not put Jehovah to the test"
Hi, I still go to meetings. Start the Creator book tonight. I dont go out in service. for the simple reason I totally REFUSE to teach LIES in Jehovah's name.
This forum has turned into a bit of a hole lately, but soon enough it will settle back down into being a nice place.
Read the posts by MDS, Jr, bjc and myself. Im sure you will find a lot of eye-opening information.
i'm just curious, as your prophesies are directed at jehovahs witnesses, why do you keep posting to this board?
most here are having big problems with jw's, and are either already out or on our way out.
if your messages and retributions are for those who are still strongly jw, why not direct your messages at *them* me thinks you are in the wrong place.
Prisca, you've moved I notice...
How's empty these days?
depends on what you mean by "good"?.
what you are likely to find is a wide spectrum of different personalities, with the common thread of having some interest in the wbts.
what you will not find is the kind of structured, controlled environment of the kingdom hall, where many of the subjects that could be discussed here would never be raised.
Are you french?
Anyway, I could be here ALL night listing ALL the errors Jehovah's "organisation" have made, regarding their publications, false prophecies, DELIBERATE SCRIPTURAL CHANGES to cover up these mistakes etc etc...
Most of this has been covered on this forum elsewhere, I cant be bothered to repeat it.
I know you're not for real, this is for the benefit of others.
depends on what you mean by "good"?.
what you are likely to find is a wide spectrum of different personalities, with the common thread of having some interest in the wbts.
what you will not find is the kind of structured, controlled environment of the kingdom hall, where many of the subjects that could be discussed here would never be raised.
Using WTS publications to understand the Bible is like using a first school maths textbook to solve high school problems. It covers the basics, but the weighty matters are left to guesswork.
Matthew 23:23-24 can be aptly applied to the WTS: "Woe to YOU, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because YOU give the tenth of the mint and the dill and the cumin, but YOU have disregarded the Law, namely, justice and mercy and faithfulness. These things it was binding to do, yet not to disregard the other things. Blind guides, who strain out the gnat but gulp down the camel!"
depends on what you mean by "good"?.
what you are likely to find is a wide spectrum of different personalities, with the common thread of having some interest in the wbts.
what you will not find is the kind of structured, controlled environment of the kingdom hall, where many of the subjects that could be discussed here would never be raised.
Did you just visit the page I just visited? pyc
Hmmmmm... If so, I agree with you