If the author of the "Report" wishes to publish it online, then thats his choice, but not mine.
The fact is, most of it is already on this site. But you have rejected this "Truth".
Recall the Pharisees, when they tried to trap Christ? Thats what I see when these "arguements" pop up. They used all sorts of things so they would have something against him, you know the story. They ended up finding an excuse, and killing him. But it was just an excuse. Nothing bad... Christ did NOTHING bad.
All he did was provide the correct interpretation and fulfillment of some scriptures, that the Pharisees had DISTORTED to fit their OWN DESIRES. They didnt like this.
If you had FAITH, you would have realised the TRUTH on this board.
All the comments are backed up by scripture. "All scripture is inspired by God and beneficial". The scriptures work, they are not "dodgy" interpretations such as a certain organisations, they are actually scripturally sound. You need "Eyes of faith" to understand. Something, Jehovah has given me. Something I intend to maintain and use to its fullest.
Sorry ianao, we are not in business.