My advise is to go. You are pretty much an adult already, and even if you don't get into college immediately because of your financial situation, you will see a different side to life besides just field service and meetings. Don't worry about causing a rift in your family, right now the only family you really have is your aunt which seems to be supportive of your decision. You can act with maturity and not ask your aunt to take sides or present your parents in a bad light. Yeah, they are pretty much forcing and manipulating you, but they also love and care for you, and even with their warped world view, they just want what's best for you. Forgive them and move on. Your whole life is ahead of you. I made the mistake of staying too long. I had options but only just recently took advantage of them.
I only asked about whether you believe in God because with him you can find refuge, but I also understand that you may want to take a break from all things spiritual and related to God. I did it for years. The good thing is God will always welcome you with open arms.
I wish you the best BlackWolf.