I have a friend who has been a JW for a couple years (baptized). She might have to undergo gallbladder surgery. I'm worried for her (about the blood issues)and have made that known. I pointed her to a couple of articles on jwfacts and freeminds. She says she is open to examining this issue (and others). (I'm sending her my copy of Crisis of Conscience and warned her not to let others know she will be reading apostate material (she laughed and said she wouldn't get df'd for that)...so I pleaded that she not tell others for my own peace of mind then.)
Anyway, she says she doesn't understand the intracacies surrounding the blood issue, and she wants to look at that more. She says she ordered the WTS' DVD on the blood issue. I don't know how convincing that material is, but she seems open to looking at other view points as well before she makes a decision. She is a single mom and is rightfully concerned about complications.
I've already given her and highlighted areas of inconsitencies I discovered within the WTS' position (like vaccines, organ transplants, blood fractions), and she says she wants to look at that history and review how those conclusions were made. She concluded by saying she still believes their basic teachings are true. I completely respect her.
I'm so thankful she is willing to discuss this with me prior to making a decision...I'm so scared for her. I care a lot!
Please give advice...please.