Posts by nilfun
What's being done in Sudan?
by Preston inby my question, i mean, "what has any country, any group, or any individual" really done in sudan, not strictly from an interventionist stadpoint per se.
i just don't see countries besides the us take any concern as to what's happening.
does anyone really care?
What's being done in Sudan?
by Preston inby my question, i mean, "what has any country, any group, or any individual" really done in sudan, not strictly from an interventionist stadpoint per se.
i just don't see countries besides the us take any concern as to what's happening.
does anyone really care?
You may well be a better person than i. But, accepting and following political correctness whole hog makes it just another religion. I prefer to not follow any systems. When stuff i say about those systems offends or challenges the sensibilities of the adherents, then i do end up with labels, even though i don't consider myself adhered to anything.
And you may very well be a better person than I. Who knows?
I'm not following any systems either, just my heart.
Some people may even label my feelings for fellow humans who are suffering genocide as "political correctness". Imagine that...
This not British V American---------------BUT
by vitty inas an english speaking person, with an english accent, living in england.
why were we subjected every year to the conventions drama with an american voice over.. could they not have had tapes with an english accent?.
i have nothing against the american accent, some are very pleasent .
So you're saying they should tailor their message for their audience?
Not an unreasonable request, I think.
What's being done in Sudan?
by Preston inby my question, i mean, "what has any country, any group, or any individual" really done in sudan, not strictly from an interventionist stadpoint per se.
i just don't see countries besides the us take any concern as to what's happening.
does anyone really care?
I guess your coupling of this:
Isn't that where muslim blacks are killing christian blacks?
With this:
Maybe they should be the first to get up off their arses.
And this:
They do genocide a lot. Maybe that is their way. It seems that no other african govts care. Why should western countries do anything?
Just rubbed me the wrong way. I just don't understand how
some people (maybe even you?) can view mass murder/genocide
as "their way" when it is a problem that can cut across nationalities
and can include people of all colors/religions.Genocide, anywhere it happens, is everybody's problem, IMO.
I guess we can just agree to disagree on this one, Satanus, and leave it at that.
Take care.
What's being done in Sudan?
by Preston inby my question, i mean, "what has any country, any group, or any individual" really done in sudan, not strictly from an interventionist stadpoint per se.
i just don't see countries besides the us take any concern as to what's happening.
does anyone really care?
Yep. And when money/aid/intervention was coming from my country to help end the genocidal war in Europe between christian and muslim, I never once factored in the skin color of the people being helped. But I guess that is where you and I differ.
What's being done in Sudan?
by Preston inby my question, i mean, "what has any country, any group, or any individual" really done in sudan, not strictly from an interventionist stadpoint per se.
i just don't see countries besides the us take any concern as to what's happening.
does anyone really care?
Isn't that where muslim blacks are killing christian blacks? What are the christian god and jesus christ doing to help their people? Maybe they should be the first to get up off their arses.
Remember Bosnia-Herzegovina?
That war was about christian against muslim too -- mercifully, other nations finally intervened in that genocide.
They do genocide a lot. Maybe that is their way.
Obviously, the Sudanese don't hold the market on genocide (see: Bosnia-Herzegovina)
It seems that no other african govts care.
Really? None at all? AU to Send More Troops, Civilian Police to Darfur
Why should western countries do anything?
Maybe because someone, somewhere might think it's the right thing to do.
What Are You All Reading?!
by Doubtfully Yours inso, what's everybody reading these days?.
i used to read so passionately, but i've lost the hobby due to everyday life stress and distractions.
i want to get back into reading again.
Oops. I forgot to include the Keep On the Watch! For What? Why is it Especially Urgent Now? brochure on my list.
What Are You All Reading?!
by Doubtfully Yours inso, what's everybody reading these days?.
i used to read so passionately, but i've lost the hobby due to everyday life stress and distractions.
i want to get back into reading again.
Right now it's Lies My Teacher Told Me, Hegemony or Survival, and The Two Towers.
JW Prince and his new video!
by cyberguy inevidently, there?s a new scandal with prince?s new video and terrorism!
as most know on this board, prince recently became a jw!
now he has a new video that is very offensive to those victimized by terrorism (or those who are sensitive to this issue)!
"I just can't believe all the things people say - Controversy"
I think the day-dream sequence towards the closing of the video represents
the girl's decision to "turn the other cheek" -- even though she has become
a target of post 9-11 hate and/or racism -- and in the end she decides
to repudiate the cycle of violence.The real scandal is not the video, but overt racism and violence felt on a
daily basis by many Americans -- who just happen to look "too Arab" for their own good.That is the issue Prince is tackling here.
I thought I'd share a bit of the book I'm reading...currently...
by Surreptitious intruth is not that which can be demonstrated by the aid of logic.
if orange-trees are hardy and rich in fruit in this bit of soil and not that, then this bit of soil is what is truth for orange-trees.
if a particular religion, or culture, or scale of values, if one form of activity rather than another, brings self-fulfillment to a man, releases the prince asleep within him unknown to himself, then that scale of values, that culture, that form of activity, constitute his truth.