Governing Body 2.0 is a bunch of inept, braindead can they handle others if they have the cleverness of a dead snail?
Posts by Intel
Every study article is an exercise in the BITE method
by Mickey mouse in10-20 years ago you would get a mix of different types of wt study articles.
they generally fell into one of a number of categories: prophecy, bible characters, facets of the fruitages of the holy spirit, aspects of jehovah's personality, creation, the new system etc.. now it goes like this:.
obey the faithful slave, stay of the internet, do more, obey the faithful slave, stay of the internet, do more.....rinse and repeat.. it's no wonder the dubs have all become brain dead.
News Service Desk at DC Swamped with Reporters asking about leads on the 'TOES'
by burnedout in.
taken today at the dc... guess no one cares..
No. That box is were he keeps new light! You can have a quick look for 5 bucks.....
The JW 2011 Facebook exodus begins...
by baltar447 inwell, i'm starting to see some jws on facebook since attending the dc that are closing their accounts.
anyone else seeing this?.
"god hates facebook"
"god hates jeans"
"god hates cornflakes"
"god hates fags"
All in the same line of reasoning and equally ridiculous.
'Great Crowd' of 12 people get baptised at District Convention!!!
by burnedout inyesterday, out of 4,035 people in attendance at the dc, only 12 people were baptized.
that is one more than eleventeen and one less than a baker's dozen.. .
want to take a guess as to the age group of this 'great crowd?
Or sometimes 1-2 lonely older persons that have severe mental problems! (seriously, this was our Circuit Assembly!). One woman that is on medication and suffers from severe nervous breaddowns. Sometimes I was talking to her and she is all shaky....misses a lot of meetings because of this.
Right! Baptize people that can hardly decide if they are going to have a cup of coffee or tea for breakfast....
What would the Watchtower Society do with $116 Billion?
by slimboyfat inin 2009 two people claiming to be jw missionaries were arrested in possession of "fake" us bonds worth $116 billion in italy.. "the philippine nationals claimed to be jehovahs witnesses and wanted to sell the bonds to finance their religious missions, the prosecutor said.
the individuals had contacted the bank of italy for advice on how to deposit the bonds and some were due to be sold into the u.s., dettori said.".
The answer is simple: Destroy more lifes!!!!!
Eruption: The Gestapo would be proud of this organization.....makes theirs look like a childs play!
But you are right, a post like yours helps me to see that maybe we are blowing this "out of proportions". For many of us, it will mean that you will lose all your relationships, family, relatives, wifes, husbands, my case even my business relationships (to a certain extent) would go down the drain.......
I'm new to the whole JW religion - Can someone please explain the basics?
by Jackals ini recently began a wonderful relationship with a guy who also happened to be a jw.
i have learned alot about him and how the religion effects his life and now i am interested in learning more about the religion - but from a beginners' point of view.
could anyone give me an idea of the basic beliefs and practices of jws?.
Jackals, you're in the wrong place to learn anything true and genuine about Jehovah's Witnesses. This forum mainly consists of a group of individuals that have deviated from true worship and are apostate fighters of God.
But shun empty speeches that violate what is holy; for they will advance to more and more ungodliness, and their word will spread like gangrene. Hy·me·nae′us and Phi·le′tus are of that number. These very [men] have deviated from the truth, saying that the resurrection has already occurred; and they are subverting the faith of some. 2 Timothy 2:16-18
You will see foul mouths and evidence of ungodliness here. One of the more popular threads right now reads: An open letter to the Governing Body: Go F*ck YourselvesThe Bible and the Watchtower Society's publications provide excellent descriptions of apostates.
g03 2/8 p. 13 Is There an Unforgivable Sin?
Some people who were once faithful Christians have purposely drawn away from God, perhaps because of bitterness, pride, or greed, and are now apostate fighters against God’s spirit. They willfully oppose what the spirit is clearly accomplishing. Have these individuals committed the unforgivable sin? Jehovah is the final Judge.—Romans 14:12.
If you want to learn about Jehovah's Witnesses, I'd visit a local congregation and talk to the congregation elders.Hahahahahahahahaha, Maze. Most elaborate Troll I have seen in a loooong time. You even took the extra effort to make it look "genuine"....Thumbs up for that. I almost fell for it.....
I don't know if I am prepared....but the thought is very, very exciting....and I'm increasingly becoming tired of hidding
I'm new to the whole JW religion - Can someone please explain the basics?
by Jackals ini recently began a wonderful relationship with a guy who also happened to be a jw.
i have learned alot about him and how the religion effects his life and now i am interested in learning more about the religion - but from a beginners' point of view.
could anyone give me an idea of the basic beliefs and practices of jws?.
Hi Jack,
I saw your boyfriends message on this board and answered and congratulated him! I was raised as a JW - i am a 40 year old guy, went up the "corporate ladder" to well.....closeness to the big wigs in brooklyn....did what we call a "fade" six years ago....going through "hell" since then, because they have grips on your family and all relationships....also grip on your brain. Luckily enough in my case I have my own brain and have freed my thinking (became an atheist), BUT it has effects, nonetheless on your life.
The most important that you need to know in a nutshell:
- they have "hammered" for years guilt & fear into your friends mind! Especially homosexuality is a big deadly sin! Sex in general is bad....yet gawd can kill 6 billion persons on earth because they do not distribute mags! But thats a point for another day...
- The End is near. The End is near. The End is near. Did I tell you that the End is near??? If you don't distribute mags for the big guy in heaven, he will start the greatest barbecue in human history....and you are his log!
- EVERYBODY else is evil.......we will get persecuted (this one haunted me FOR YEARS - i started reading EVERYTHING I could about concentration camps....just to be, you know: ready for the whippings and ripping of fingernails and shit like that....really messed up my mind for years)
These are just a few, marcant will need to show LOTS OF LOVE and RATIONAL THINKING and GOOD HUMOUR with your boyfriend. I wish both of you, what I have not accomplished yet: TOTAL HAPPINESS AND SWEET FREEDOM and LOVE. LOVE and MORE LOVE!
Bethelites I knew that got dismissed:
- Stealing money/valuables
- Stealing documents (confidential)
- watching/downloading porn
- F**cking other Bethelites (no, not overseers that acted as hounders...I mean real f*cks ;-)
- driving like stupids with bethel cars (one guy had an accident - driving 120 km/h at a 50 guy)
- contradicting overseers / having a free mind and intelligent thinking that leads to questions that the governing bastards hate to answer
- other stuff that is not even on a scale of even....i don't know....let me put this way: some asshole overseer doesn't like your nose: dismissal
or some overseer likes a bethelite sister that you are trying to date as well, he as the power to pull the rug: dismissal.
EASY AS THAT! Believe me......Bet HELL is a slippery place.....