Thank you Ode....
I wasn't all that into dinner anyway........
what is the deal with the male species thinking it is ok, to pick their nose in public??.
i find it repulsive .... it just seems to me,when i catch people picking their nose, in almost all cases,it is a man doing it..... do men, find it hard to find a kleenex???.
morty of the, taught my boys not to pick their booger's in public class...
Thank you Ode....
I wasn't all that into dinner anyway........
you are talking to youre dub mate and you start telling them a story that you heard on the forum and they ask where you heard the story from.
of course the forum pops in your head and you have to think real quick of another source.
Dontcha love the way Joe Montagna rolls off the tongue?
*yeah.I know it's really Montegna...but, it's still fun to say!
what is the deal with the male species thinking it is ok, to pick their nose in public??.
i find it repulsive .... it just seems to me,when i catch people picking their nose, in almost all cases,it is a man doing it..... do men, find it hard to find a kleenex???.
morty of the, taught my boys not to pick their booger's in public class...
*In my best Ron White voice*
Now do it in yer best Barry White voice and I'll go and pour the Courvoisier........
some see virgin mary in underpass stain.
chicago, illinois (ap) -- a steady stream of the faithful and the curious, many carrying flowers and candles, have flocked to an expressway underpass for a view of a yellow and white stain on a concrete wall that some believe is an image of the virgin mary.. police have patrolled the emergency turnoff area under the kennedy expressway since monday as hundreds of people have walked down to see the image and the growing memorial of flowers and candles that surround it.
Our lady of the underpants...
What's all this fuss about...someone saw a virgin with an underpants stain...
admittedly these can sometimes be indicative of a blessed event but, it seems to me that people are making way too big a deal about.......
What?..... Oh, I see...................never mind!
Emily Latilla.
...but I needed to ask a question. Has anyone here heard of coconuts used instead of blood for transfusions?
Yeppers......but then I've also seen platelets used for bras in remote native societies......
total freakin genius.. .
[just so you know - i've just edited the title of the thread as we don't allow swearing in the topic titles as it shows up all over the place ]
Just thinkin'.........
Godamn Bible has a fun ring to it...
total freakin genius.. .
[just so you know - i've just edited the title of the thread as we don't allow swearing in the topic titles as it shows up all over the place ]
I love the way the book is always referred to as "the Damn Bible"
But, I thought everybody called the damned Bible; "the Damn Bible"?
has anyone seen this new series on nbc?
it started last week.
wednesday nights at 8pm.. .
Been fun so far but, I think I may have to miss next Wednesday's offering... GRRR!
mac, hope the world doesn't end without me class
attention !
i just talked to our dear tal, she is a sick puppy.
so, she's really disappointed as she's been dealing with this problem for quite a while now.
what is the deal with the male species thinking it is ok, to pick their nose in public??.
i find it repulsive .... it just seems to me,when i catch people picking their nose, in almost all cases,it is a man doing it..... do men, find it hard to find a kleenex???.
morty of the, taught my boys not to pick their booger's in public class...
The year was 1964 ...
I was fighting off mid-morning boredom when an office aid ushered her in, thin and blonde, with the greenest eyes I'd ever seen. But, I could sense that there was an underlying sadness behind them...not necessarily because I'm acutely intuitive but, more because of the obvious presence of the huge tears in front of them and the skinned knee below that complemented the red plaid skirt that graced her that morning. She was both breaking and melting my heart all at the same time...which resulted in a rather fragmented but, much more interesting puddle than had she extracted response from just one of my emotions on that morning of destiny in the year of my bliss.
It was second grade, her name was Holly Logger...and I was in love! She knew it too. I befriended her immediately...allowed her access to the monkey bars which were the equivalent of a private gentlemen's only club to the members of John Wood Elementary in spite of violent protests from my peers. Heroic of me? Perhaps..but, remember she wore a skirt fer Chrisakes and I'm no dummy!
Our relationship escalated from there. It became a common recess ritual for her to send her friends running after me in an attempt to apprehend and subdue me so that she could plant a kiss on my blushing red cheek. I will have you know that no matter how fast they ran or how they split up... I could always, always, manage to find the inner strength that comes only from sheer will and fixity of purpose to slow down just enough to let them catch me.
My days began to blend into a euphoric adolescent continuum that I dreamt would outlast time itself..and then it happened...
right smack dab in the middle our class discussion of My Weekly Reader I glanced to the left only to glimpse my angel popping a newly harvested BOOGER into her mouth...the mouth that had touched my sweet face.........
SO Bullshit, Morty........only boys pick their noses MY ASS!!!!!!!!!!!
mac, true story class
*edited yet again cuz someone glimpsed my spelling of "glimps"...need to use spellcheck..grr!!