Leaning more toward Felix.......
who will be replaced by Top Cat...
In the year 2000.......................
*holds flashlight under chin*
craig ferguson will displace conan o'brien in the neilson ratings.... he will also be joined by willian shatner as his co-host on the terms that shatner only wear those sexy little red toeless numbers......... .
Leaning more toward Felix.......
who will be replaced by Top Cat...
In the year 2000.......................
*holds flashlight under chin*
craig ferguson will displace conan o'brien in the neilson ratings.... he will also be joined by willian shatner as his co-host on the terms that shatner only wear those sexy little red toeless numbers......... .
I'm preparing for surgery tomorrow...
troll excision.
Dr. Mac
In the year 2000...................
i dropped out years ago because i couldn't stand getting together with sisters i didn't like to do a talk.
i hated it with a passion!!
i do realize that you did learn but what i resented was that the sisters were inflicted on each other in a way that i don't think the brothers were.
Sick and tired of being counseled to gesture with my whole hand.......
for years i made it known that when i die, on my stone, .. or plate, or whatever, .. it should say.
"what the hell was i thinking" well now as time goes by i think i would rather it say.
"he died ... living"
Two teenagers making love for the first time....
sounds more significant than flowers or epitaph's...
and oh sooo scary, kids!
graduation invitations- who to invite, looks like the whole congregations invited and some of my dads co-workers and relatives..too bad grad night is on a meeting night haha.
graduation party- should i have one?
itll be full of jehovahs witnesses .
Do they give ya salt and catsup..
or do ya have to ask?
mac, supersize this class
graduation invitations- who to invite, looks like the whole congregations invited and some of my dads co-workers and relatives..too bad grad night is on a meeting night haha.
graduation party- should i have one?
itll be full of jehovahs witnesses .
At 18 I was going to change the world...
through masturbation.
Though admittedly flawed...it was a noble and gratifying experiment.
mac, currently blind...but, gave his best for humanity class
*holds flashlight under chin*
craig ferguson will displace conan o'brien in the neilson ratings.... he will also be joined by willian shatner as his co-host on the terms that shatner only wear those sexy little red toeless numbers......... .
In the year 2000 ..... * holds flashlight under chin*
Craig Ferguson will displace Conan O'Brien in the Neilson ratings...
he will also be joined by Willian Shatner as his co-host on the terms that Shatner only wear those sexy little red toeless numbers........
In the year 2000......................................
very worried at the total waste of time i see you all pursueing with aimless nonsense when one of the most inportant times in mankinds history, is taking place & the real truth is becoming available.
Are you all thinking straight?
Well, no...
actually I was having impure gay thoughts but, I'm pretty sure I'm still hetero cuz they wuz triggered by KLS's chin wiskers.
mac, surely this closet can be locked from the inside class
help me posters out there.
my atheist cousin insist that the bible is full of contradictions, and lies and he uses ezekiel 4:12-17 to try and prove that jehovah is just as sick and demented as satan the devil.
he showed me these scriptures where jehovah told ezekiel to bake cake using human feces but ezekiel refused to do it.
We're having pooparoni..it's made with fresh e-coli...
pooparoni's fun to eat...
pooparoni can't be beat...
Hooray!!!..for pooparoni!
I'm not lookin'!!!!!!!!!..
not so much cuz I'm a gentleman but, cuz I'm still reliving the horror of a recent eye injury...breasteses are dangerous!
mac, goggles...don't leave home without 'em class