Hello everyone,
it nice to exchange opinions,
make smore interesting.
BTW, RR i saw your..web page;
I'll " explore it " and let you
know what I do think of it.
Agape, J.C.MacHislopp
i have something that puzzles me, i'll try to explain:.
first part: let's go back in time: 1879, 1880, 1880:.
*** yb75 38 united states of america part one.
Hello everyone,
it nice to exchange opinions,
make smore interesting.
BTW, RR i saw your..web page;
I'll " explore it " and let you
know what I do think of it.
Agape, J.C.MacHislopp
do you believe that someone learns from past...experience?.
there was a measure of disappointment on the part of jehovah's faithful ones on earth concerning the years 1914, 1918, & 1925, which disappointment lasted for a time.... and they also learned to quit fixing dates.
(vindication i, 1938, p 338).
Hello everyone,
thank you for all your posts.
It is nice to share one's personal opinion with
complete grace of mind, manners and respect.
**Tina :it's o.k. no misunderstanding.
**Ozziepost: "the new date"...I do like your joke,
as for me and many more( I(m sure)
"that day and hour..nobody knows it.."
(Matthew 24:36). Meanwhile one tries to
"keep on the watch...".
Agape to you all...Shalom
im sure that an answer to this point would be interesting :.
there have been reports and maybe even a picture of rutherford's girlfriend.. rutherford lived at the bethel or the home in san diego, while his wife lived.
in monrovia, 100 miles from san diego.. did rutherford indeed have a girlfriend and if so, how was this accepted ?.
Hello everyone,
few more words to say that the in the"www"...
there is a word about ..."this book" coming
out soon!!!
Anybody knows more???
Agape J.C.MacHislopp
i do hope you appreciate good things,.
and if you do...you should demonstrate it ..maybe like this....!.
w64 9/15 574 - kneel down before reading the watchtower.
Hello everyone,
thanks for your comments...it's nice
to share thoughts about it.
**fredhall: I'm sorry to disappoint you but I don't
kneel for any anyone!
Agape J.C.MacHislopp
do you believe that someone learns from past...experience?.
there was a measure of disappointment on the part of jehovah's faithful ones on earth concerning the years 1914, 1918, & 1925, which disappointment lasted for a time.... and they also learned to quit fixing dates.
(vindication i, 1938, p 338).
Hello Tina,
thanks for your reply, but could you add, explain a bit more??
"Uh not all of us want 'that ' particular' trooth..lol. Keep in mind some of us walk down different paths-that aren't judeao-christian....regards,Tina"
Agape, J.C.MacHislopp
it means that within relatively few years we will witness the fulfillment of the remaining prophecies that have to do with the "time of the end.".
the lead article "the finest work on earth" in the october 1967 km (p. 1) continued the theme of preaching with a sense of urgency:.
the sense of urgency was effective in getting some students to make a decision.
Hello AlanF,
few words to congratulate you for your
excellent, factual and informative post!
Thit is the kind of post that I like!
Let their (WTS), own statements/quotes
be a "proof" of what has been *said*,
*published* and *taught* for a long time.
Thanks again, agape J.C.MacHislopp
i found some interesting statistics, some of which you may know, that indicate that the wtbts is in decline.. 1. in the twenty years from 1970 to 1990, the rate of yearly increase dropped from 10% to 6%.
in the last 10 years it has dropped from 6% to about 2%.
since the world population growth is about 1.5% they are only growing at about 1/2 of 1% faster than the population.. 2. in 1999, there were 21 large countries that showed a decline.
Hi Martini,
you have made a good point there:
"I would love to know is how many there are like myself who have become inactive and are not officially leaving until
1)there is a common mass exodus or
2) more favorable conditions are given to allow members to leave without haviing to face the strict shunning policy from family and friends."
I'll do something with the last 30/40 years
WTS figures and I'll post the result!
Agape, J.C.MacHislopp
i found some interesting statistics, some of which you may know, that indicate that the wtbts is in decline.. 1. in the twenty years from 1970 to 1990, the rate of yearly increase dropped from 10% to 6%.
in the last 10 years it has dropped from 6% to about 2%.
since the world population growth is about 1.5% they are only growing at about 1/2 of 1% faster than the population.. 2. in 1999, there were 21 large countries that showed a decline.
Hello everyone,
just to tell you that some points are ...
really "excellent expressions of reality"!
(my personal opinion) i.e.:
"You might have had doubts over the years that you have put to the back of your mind, but then something happens, that I call a 'catalyst' that causes you to stop and think. That's when you turn to the internet/Franz's books. Once you have been there, it's not possible to continue in the same blind obedience in the spiritual paradise. What is it that acts as a catalyst?
"The day the statistic show decrease worldwide, the “Jehovah is blessing us look at our increase” will become a problem. As with so many other things the Watchtower Society has done through the years this will backfire on them. No matter how much bleating to the contrary is done in the Watchtower, a decrease in publishers will have a serious psychological effect on the Witness community. "
and :
"With such a massive focusing on the increase being a blessing from Jehovah it is going to be very difficult to tell the Witness population that a decrease isn’t a sign of the opposite. They have very little going for them in Brooklyn at the moment and this will be another serious problem. I do not think it is beyond them to doctor the numbers in order to avoid this serious problem."
and amylhassed:
In developed countries, people, mostly youngsters, are going to universities, they are reading more, they are searching for information, they are becoming conscious of their existence, they want to ‘control’ not to be controlled. Consequently, the Watch Tower is facing acute problems in holding the reins of those who are becoming THINKERS. Because they want something here and now. They want to leave something to their children. They are aware that what really matters is the present."
Great stuff, it realyy make you think...
Agape to you all, J.C.MacHislopp
im sure that an answer to this point would be interesting :.
there have been reports and maybe even a picture of rutherford's girlfriend.. rutherford lived at the bethel or the home in san diego, while his wife lived.
in monrovia, 100 miles from san diego.. did rutherford indeed have a girlfriend and if so, how was this accepted ?.
Hello everyone,
Let's wait the book RR!
Agape J.C.MacHislopp
do you believe that someone learns from past...experience?.
there was a measure of disappointment on the part of jehovah's faithful ones on earth concerning the years 1914, 1918, & 1925, which disappointment lasted for a time.... and they also learned to quit fixing dates.
(vindication i, 1938, p 338).
Hello everyone,
I agree with all your statements!
What we all want is the "truth"
that coes to the world through
Jesus Christ!
Agape to you all, J.C.MacHislopp