Hello everyone,
great post Jerry and I can tell that
I went through the same experience. BTW, after all the
material, the work and the upkeeping ..."Donations "(!!!)
to the local branch are still given, after 17 years!
Agape, J.C.MacHislopp
it`s been interesting watching the org.
trying different ways to make money while at the same time keeping up a front of not being interested in money.
especially since they were forced to drop the.
Hello everyone,
great post Jerry and I can tell that
I went through the same experience. BTW, after all the
material, the work and the upkeeping ..."Donations "(!!!)
to the local branch are still given, after 17 years!
Agape, J.C.MacHislopp
lets receive some comfort.... g1975 9/8 26 ...is it not a comfort for them to know that in the local congregation of jehovahs witnesses they will never be tithed to pay out a percentage of their income?
nor will unscriptural money-raising schemes be imposed on them.
it is at the kingdom hall that an unobtrusive contribution box is located for use by those who wish voluntarily to give money to support the work of the congregation.
Hello everyone,
Let’s receive some comfort…
g1975 9/8 26 “ …is it not a comfort for them to know that in the local congregation of Jehovah’s witnesses they will never be tithed to pay out a percentage of their income? Nor will unscriptural money-raising schemes be imposed on them. It is at the Kingdom Hall that an unobtrusive contribution box is located for use by those who wish voluntarily to give money to support the work of the congregation. Donations mailed to the headquarters of the Watch Tower Society are also unsolicited and entirely voluntary. “
QUOTE :"an unobtrusive box"!!!
REALITY: boxes for contributions marked :
*Matthew 24:14;
*Kingdom Hall funds;
And don’t miss:
PLANNED GIVING: The Society has assembled information on “Planned Giving.” Those who are planning to make a special gift to the Society now or to leave a bequest at death may find this information helpful. That is especially true if they wish to accomplish some family goal or estate-planning objective while using tax benefits to minimize the cost of the gift or bequest. This information can be obtained by writing to the Society at the address shown below.
(The Watchtower 1994 12/1 page 19)
Not too bad...what will be next?
Agape, J.C.MacHislopp
PS : Remember:
Commercial Real Estate
From the June 6, 1997 print edition:
" …Better known as the Jehovah's Witnesses, the society recently opened a $20 million, 130,000-square-foot facility at the Mililani Technology Park.
The group established an educational and meeting facility -- situated on 3.4 acres next to Oceanic Cable -- called the Watchtower Educational Center Pacific. "
i would like to share with you this quote :.
"when you are the one being manipulated by controlling leadership, you are least likely to understand the motives behind that leadership, as it is carefully cloaked behind doctrine, fear and guilt.
Hello everyone,
I would like to share with you this quote :
"When you are the one being manipulated by controlling leadership, you are least likely to understand the motives behind that leadership, as it is carefully cloaked behind doctrine, fear and guilt. "
(anon. Author)
Agape, J.C.MacHislopp
have you notice that in the w. 15.02.2001 page 24 4 there is.
an application to the faithful remnant of modern times of this scripture:.
(zephaniah 3:13) as regards the remaining ones of israel, they will do no unrighteousness, nor speak a lie, nor will there be found in their mouths a tricky tongue; for they themselves will feed and actually lie stretched out, and there will be no one making [them] tremble.. note that in the second part of the verse it says:.
Hello again,
Have you notice that in the w. 15.02.2001 page 24 §4 there is
an application to” the faithful remnant” of modern times of this scripture:
(Zephaniah 3:13) As regards the remaining ones of Israel, they will do no unrighteousness, nor speak a lie, nor will there be found in their mouths a tricky tongue; for they themselves will feed and actually lie stretched out, and there will be no one making [them] tremble.”
Note that in the second part of the verse it says:
“… nor speak a lie, nor will there be found in their mouths a tricky tongue..”
I think we have enough material posted to say that it does not apply to the WTS!!!
Agape J.C.MacHislopp
since the subject seems to interest many among you,.
[box on page 22].
ways in which some choose to give.
Hello everyone,
thanks for the comments.
*stephenw20: Great , I'll search the link and let you know.
BTW, you did confirm what I wrote: in certain
countries even pages like the nov. issue are
not allowed...for income tax reason.
Agape, J.C.MacHislopp
i was wondering about this part written in the.
w. 15.02.2001 page 29 (box) :.
...related to this, christian should avoid putting onto, or downloading.
Hello everyone,
I was wondering about this part written in the
w. 15.02.2001 page 29 (box) :
“…Related to this, Christian should avoid putting onto, or downloading
from, electronic bulletin board material that is copyrighted (as are the
Society’s publications) and that is being copied without legal permission
from the owners .”
I thought that “WTS publications “ were to “publish the good news”
to everyone, or only in a certain form and manner as the WTS desire???
Can it be illegal to post on the “www” anything published by the WTS??
Comments and discussion welcome,
Agape J.C.MacHislopp
i recieved this note from a young person i know personally.
it brought tears to my eyes for someone so young to see things so clearly.
why can't six million others see this simple reality and the need for change?.
Hello everyone,
just this to express my point, in this
very important subject.
Many well documented cases have shown beyond any reasonable
doubt, that a great % of elders are not prepared, not trained,
not competent for handling "child abuse cases". Actually
many times they have inflicted more harm than good.
It is my deep believe, that ALL such cases should be dealt with
the "professional bodies of experts " i.e. doctors, psycologysts,
and all the others involved in the care and protection -first of
all - of the INNOCENT VICTIMS, and also taking all the necessary
legal measures against the "OFFENDERS"
Agape to you all, J.C.MacHislopp
PS Take courage ,silentlamb..."you will
never walk alone"!
it`s been interesting watching the org.
trying different ways to make money while at the same time keeping up a front of not being interested in money.
especially since they were forced to drop the.
Hello everybody
few lines to add to the experince mentioned by RR:
"I remember when it was instituted, I was in charge of the literature counter, when the announcement was made, people ran to the counter doubling up on their orders, ordering things they would never have ordered if they had to pay, like the NWT on cassette, about $130.00 for the complete set. Pioneers were tripling their 'placement' orders.
Three months later, we get a letter from the Society, apparently they were keeping tabs. There was an elders meeting, and we were told in the letter that the Congregaton ordered some $2,500.00 worth of literature and only contributed some $500.00 and that we OWED them some $2,000.00, I said, "Owed?, what happened to voluntary contributions?"
well change the currency, the nation...but it was
exactly the same event in couple of congregations ..near to me
here in Europe (as I related in a post a while ago).
What a shame to act in such a way! You cannot
take people ...for a ride!
Agape toyou all J.C.MacHislopp
i was surprised to find out the existence of an article.
sterilisation of the unfit , published by the wts in the magazine.
- the golden age, november 12, page 116. the editor wrote.
Hello everyone,
I was surprised to find out the existence of an article
“Sterilisation of the Unfit “, published by the WTS in the magazine
- The Golden Age, November 12, page 116. The Editor wrote
concerning this article that it would “ …with hearty approval by
many of our readers..”. I’ve seen the ref. in the Index 1930-1985.
Then another article on “ eugenics “ was published in the magazine
“Consolation” October 1942, pag.13 which took a complete opposite
view of the matter…(as usual).
Has anyone the possibility to copy or scan the articles?
Thanks, and agape to you all J.C.MacHislopp
i have something that puzzles me, i'll try to explain:.
first part: let's go back in time: 1879, 1880, 1880:.
*** yb75 38 united states of america part one.
Hello everyone,
thanks for your posts; it shows interest
and desire to share .To be more specific:
*somebody: thanks for the link; I knew it already. Personally
I found to heavy, certain things should be supported
more logically, ...more with facts and I think with
a very logical and orderly approach. Still it shows
willingness to find what is behind...the wall!
*ianao: About freemasonry , C.T.Russell and others involved
I do believe that the proof are there to be seen.
*RR: You know about the burial ground of CT Russell;
can you tell me why in ...a burial ground belonging
to the Masonic Temple? Why the ...particular form
of the grave? Many don't know these points and
sometimes it is difficult to accept even ...reality.
Thanks, and agape to you all J.C.MacHislopp