JoinedPosts by MadApostate
WT printing Bibles for Thailand Bible Society
by CatholicGuy inmaybe this is public knowledge already...i don't know.
back about 10 years ago my best friend worked for a christian book store.
he used to order foreign bibles for the store and one evening i was thumbing through a thai bible on the shelf and was dumbstruck.
Two Elders Came To My Door
by silentlambs inwell i guess wt is getting tired of waiting me out.
two elders showed up at my door on halloween.
they were not trick or treating, at least i think they were notat least they did not have candy bags.
I'm in a rush this morn and don't have time to do more than quicky browse this thread, but my initial impression is that Path has hit the nail squarely on the head multiple times.
1. The WTS has had all of you they are going to take, and they are looking for something "off-point" (just like they did with the Ray Franz embarrassent) as a basis for DF.
2. The unwise, unnecessary commentary in your letter gave them exactly what they were looking for, without them having to raise a finger.
However, your DF will have its own "positives" which can be used with the media and general public. On the flip side, the WTS finally realized that they need to worry about the R&F more than outside PR, thus your DF will discredit you wit 99.99% of JWs.
PS: I forget to mention that your possible involvement in the pending Stratton Case could very well have been the final straw. If the USSC decides that municipalities have the constitutional right to require registration and name badges for solicitors, that is an issue that can dog JWs nationwide.
by Kent init would be hard for the wtbts to deny their open connections to osce and other political forums..
this link is from an official jw website, and i believe those interested in such connections should take a long and hard look at the russiand and other jw sites.
it seems they are more "open" as to admit, and not least - use - their un connections as a tool of the trade.. i have reasons to believe the wtbts will try to use as defence that "human right issues are non-political" - and as such say the un connection is really a non-issue.
Link replaced above.
by Kent init would be hard for the wtbts to deny their open connections to osce and other political forums..
this link is from an official jw website, and i believe those interested in such connections should take a long and hard look at the russiand and other jw sites.
it seems they are more "open" as to admit, and not least - use - their un connections as a tool of the trade.. i have reasons to believe the wtbts will try to use as defence that "human right issues are non-political" - and as such say the un connection is really a non-issue.
Here again is Milton Henschel's letter to Russian PM Primakov, in which Henschel uses HRWF to essentially threaten him.
by Kent init would be hard for the wtbts to deny their open connections to osce and other political forums..
this link is from an official jw website, and i believe those interested in such connections should take a long and hard look at the russiand and other jw sites.
it seems they are more "open" as to admit, and not least - use - their un connections as a tool of the trade.. i have reasons to believe the wtbts will try to use as defence that "human right issues are non-political" - and as such say the un connection is really a non-issue.
I didn't intend to imply that the "LC" theory requires that Library access only be used to write magazine articles.
My own theory would have them using the Library for the purposes that you note.
However, is it reasonable under the "LC" theory, that in the very first two years after getting Library access that references to the UN would drop in half in the WT and AW magazines?
by Kent init would be hard for the wtbts to deny their open connections to osce and other political forums..
this link is from an official jw website, and i believe those interested in such connections should take a long and hard look at the russiand and other jw sites.
it seems they are more "open" as to admit, and not least - use - their un connections as a tool of the trade.. i have reasons to believe the wtbts will try to use as defence that "human right issues are non-political" - and as such say the un connection is really a non-issue.
If the burning desire to gain access to the UN Library's reference materials was the driving force behind the WTS's willingness to sacrifice principle and formally associate itself with the "Beast", would it not be reasonable to expect that such access would result in an increase in UN references in the Watchtower and Awake magazines? Even a small increase?
I don't claim this is scientific by any means, nor that I even counted these perfectly, but I thought that I would count the number of "UN page citations", for the 2 magazines, which are shown in the scattered WT Indexes for the years that I have.
1986 = 27
1987 = 21
1988 = 19
1989 = 12
1990 = 24
1991 = 14
1992 = 12 (The year of association vs. Articles prepared in advance.)129/7 = 18.43 average
1993 = 8
1994 = 4
1995 = 19
1996 = 1243/4 = 10.75 average
1997 = ?
1998 = ?
1999 = 8Well, my assumptions were obviously wrong. Access to the UN's Library resulted in fewer citations.
by Kent init would be hard for the wtbts to deny their open connections to osce and other political forums..
this link is from an official jw website, and i believe those interested in such connections should take a long and hard look at the russiand and other jw sites.
it seems they are more "open" as to admit, and not least - use - their un connections as a tool of the trade.. i have reasons to believe the wtbts will try to use as defence that "human right issues are non-political" - and as such say the un connection is really a non-issue.
Personally, I feel the Society felt safe posting that report as a link because it is a separate NGO-- Human Rights Without Frontiers -- reporting on the violation of human rights of 2 of the 'friends' in Georgia which is a member of the OSCE.
It really says nothing of the WT's OWN status as an NGO, now, does it?
The WTS also thought that noone would ever research this issue to the point of seeing that the WTS has a very cozy relationship with Willy Fautre and HRWF. How many of the Conferences in which the WTS was participating was Fautre also participating?
Just run the "key words" through Google, and see how many HRWF webpages mention JWs.
We know that the WTS KNOWS how to launder money. I doubt that you would ever find the WTS listed on HRWF's List of Contributors. However, it would not be the first time that the WTS have asked wealthy JW individuals to put up their own bucks for a WTS cause. Just speculating!
by Kent init would be hard for the wtbts to deny their open connections to osce and other political forums..
this link is from an official jw website, and i believe those interested in such connections should take a long and hard look at the russiand and other jw sites.
it seems they are more "open" as to admit, and not least - use - their un connections as a tool of the trade.. i have reasons to believe the wtbts will try to use as defence that "human right issues are non-political" - and as such say the un connection is really a non-issue.
You say:
I have reasons to believe the WTBTS will try to use as defence that "Human Right Issues are non-political" - and as such say the UN connection is really a non-issue.
As I have repeatedly tried to make the point, the WTS does have the scriptural authority, as well as responsibility, to respond to abuses of JWs' human rights within the context of the judicial process, or even to request protection by a government's police force.
A "gray area" occurs if and when the WTS starts to lobby elements of the government to adopt favorable legislation. To me, that steps over the line of political neutrality.
HOWEVER, when the WTS starts asking third-party Governments and NGOs to assist them with legislation, etc., then I find NO NT/GS SCRIPTURAL PRECEDENT for such. Such requests of third-parties seems to be evidence that the WTS is no longer relying on Jah, but rather relying on elements of Satan's system to assist them.
Requesting third-party assistance with persecution and other human rights abuses today seems to compare with 1st century Judean Christians petitioning Eqyptian or Frank officials to intercede on their behalf with the Romans.
We SHOULD NOT criticize the WTS's "direct efforts" to help their own. Its when they run to Satan's Governments and NGOs for help, rather than Jah, that they are in conflict with their own teachings and principles.
by Kent init would be hard for the wtbts to deny their open connections to osce and other political forums..
this link is from an official jw website, and i believe those interested in such connections should take a long and hard look at the russiand and other jw sites.
it seems they are more "open" as to admit, and not least - use - their un connections as a tool of the trade.. i have reasons to believe the wtbts will try to use as defence that "human right issues are non-political" - and as such say the un connection is really a non-issue.
You say:
It seems to be rather clear the connection was originally made to get access to the UN-libraries, as mentioned before on this site; but this later changed into a "phase 2", where they started using these connections in a broader sense.
You sound like the typical Watchtower staff writer, who has a speck of evidence supporting his proposition contrasted with a truckload against:
"Evidently,...yadda, yadda,...""All the evidence indicates, ...yadda, yadda, ..."
YOU, Maximus, AlanF, and the others who have completely swallowed hook, line, and sinker the very first casting of the Watchtower's bait, have NO PROOF, nor will you ever, that the "LIBRARY CARD" theory is correct.
Admittedly, neither can I prove that the UNDPI association was just one element of a pre-1991 plan to cozy up to the world's governmental and nongovernmental communities, so as to work their legal, political, etc. systems, so as to gain access to the then newly opening marketplace, i.e. the former communist bloc contries of Eastern Europe.
However, as I have posted, there is plenty of evidence from the internet, that after 1996, the WTS was working the hell out of the NGOS associated with Human Rights issues and those associated with Holocaust issues.
The fact that the evidence trail regarding the association between the WTS and these NGOs seems to start around 1996 CAN be taken to mean that the WTS's "political lobbying" efforts did not evolve until around that time, after they discovered a side-benefit to their UN Library Card. OR, OR, it CAN mean that the Internet was the element in the equation which was evolving, and we don't evidence from pre-1996 due to the fact that it wasn't until after 1996 that most downloading of such material occurred.
We will never know for sure, because the only people who know the facts are the very people who do not want the facts known. As AlanF pointed out in his post yesterday, even Bethel insiders typically know only what is necessary to perform their specific job function. Thus, even if AlanF or Max is talking with an insider, who is to say that that person even knows what really went on for sure themself?
AS I POINTED OUT YESTERDAY, the very BEST EVIDENCE that the "Library Card" theory is a scam is the fact that that explanation is what the WTS wants us to believe.
Since when has the WTS's PR Dept gained so much credibility that we are willing to swallow the very first casting of their bait?
EDIT: The Holocaust Museum didn't open until 1993, so I've edited my comments accordingly.
by hawkaw inas of 6:02 pm last night i received a facsimile from paul hoeffel at the un on the wts.. he gave me 3 of the 4 things i requested in two paragraphs.. i have sent a scanned version to steve bates and someone else.. i sent it to kent and randy.
and kent and randy have posted the official united nations letter on their web sites.. here is the letter - put your cursor on the image and then right click on your mouse and hit "save image" to your computer.. .
after you look at kent's web site and you people still think this it is a fake letter, phone paul hoeffel yourself at (212) 963-8070.. hawk
I ran across this Report to DPI from a NGO. While I have no idea how typical/atypical this Report actually is, I would expect that they would be following some type of standardized format. Anyway, this Report should give insight to the reaccreditation process:
WCA's 2000 Report to the United Nations Department of Public Information
The following report was submitted to the United Nations DPI by Dr. Christopher Kent on behalf of the WCA . It summarizes the WCA's UN-related activities and efforts during 2001.
Mr. Paul Hoeffel,
Chief NGO Section
Department of Public Information
Room S-1070L
United Nations
New York, NY 10017Dear Mr. Hoeffel;
On the occasion of the second anniversary of our affiliation with the Department of Public Information, the World Chiropractic Alliance is pleased to offer the following report of our activities to promote knowledge of the United Nations' principles and activities.
The Chiropractic Journal is a monthly publication with a readership of approximately 70,000. It is sent to every known practicing chiropractor in the world. Four prominent articles related to UN activities have appeared in this publication in the year 2000:
February 2000. A full-page report summarizing our activities as an NGO was published. Also included was the "WCA Declaration on International Affairs," based upon Article 19 and Article 20 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
September 2000. A front-page article, with color photograph, appeared in this issue, detailing our meeting with World Health Organization officials in Geneva. The article is continued on page 21, with an additional photograph.
October 2000. A full-page article with color photograph reported on WCA's plans for collaborative projects with the World Health Organization. Also included were slides from a PowerPoint presentation, produced by WCA for WHO, summarizing the legal status of chiropractic worldwide.
November 2000. A front-page color photo, with an accompanying article continued inside, describes the mission of the NGO Health Committee. The article also reports the selection of our Main Representative to serve as treasurer of the committee.
Tear sheets of these articles are included for your reference.Clinical Practice Guideline: Vertebral Subluxation in Chiropractic Practice. WCA was actively involved in the promotion and dissemination of the Clinical Practice Guideline developed by the Council on Chiropractic Practice. WCA mailed copies to health officials in all UN member states. Distribution of this Guideline was expanded to include all known practicing chiropractors in Canada, as well as other selected countries. A guiding principle in the Guideline development was the World Health Organization definition: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." The Guideline was selected for inclusion in the National Guideline Clearinghouse after evaluation by ECRI, a collaborating agency of WHO.
Discussion of United Nations issues and chiropractic involvement have been featured at WCA seminars, as well as those presented by WCA members.
Briefings. WCA had a representative in attendance for the majority of Thursday DPI/NGO briefings.
53rd Annual DPI/NGO Conference and Reception. A WCA representative attended the annual conference and the reception at Cipriani's featuring UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.
NGO Health Committee. The WCA Main Representative was selected treasurer of the NGO Health Committee. WCA will be sponsoring a panel at the Spring meeting.
The World Chiropractic Alliance is committed to fulfilling our responsibilities with the Department of Public Information.
We have featured the UN prominently in our publications. Furthermore, we intend to continue active participation in committees and workshops. It is a privilege to be associated with DPI, and a responsibility we take very seriously.
Mr. Hoeffel, it has been a privilege and an honor to serve as Main Representative of the World Chiropractic Alliance to the Department of Public Information.
Christopher Kent, D.C. (Doctor of Chiropractic)
World Chiropractic Alliance
Main NGO Representative to DPI--------
Edited to correct facts in introductory comments.