. http://www.iwon.com/home/winning/Daily_Winners/daily_winners_overview/0,2164,01_12_2000,00.html
I wonder what kind of reaction this got her from her Cong, whether she is still a pioneer, etc.?
Was this a Blessing from Jehovah?
i wonder what kind of reaction this got her from her cong, whether she is still a pioneer, etc.?.
was this a blessing from jehovah?
. http://www.iwon.com/home/winning/Daily_Winners/daily_winners_overview/0,2164,01_12_2000,00.html
I wonder what kind of reaction this got her from her Cong, whether she is still a pioneer, etc.?
Was this a Blessing from Jehovah?
home page url:.
this website was evidently set up to milk all the pr the wts can get for doing what they should be doing anyway (except not letting the right hand know what the left hand is doing.).
I guess I'm a little surprised that noone has commented on this new fundraising scheme dreamed up by some fairly smart cookies at Bethel.
It appears that the WTS is now taking advantage of the Quickbuild Program as a $$$$ maker. Rather than allow JWs affected by disasters to spend insurance and government grant/loan $$$$ with local contractors, the WTS sends in the QBers to do the work, and $$$$ that would ordinarily be spent on labor now is "donated" to the WTS.
Pretty slick!
They work the local media for PR as Good Sams, and quietly pocket the $$$$.
home page url:.
this website was evidently set up to milk all the pr the wts can get for doing what they should be doing anyway (except not letting the right hand know what the left hand is doing.).
Maybe someone should drop this Reporter a note to check to see how many FEMA & Insurance $$$$$ went to the WTS for the volunteer work performed by individual JWs.
home page url:.
this website was evidently set up to milk all the pr the wts can get for doing what they should be doing anyway (except not letting the right hand know what the left hand is doing.).
. http://www.jwrelief.org/hrc/mainpage/home.htm
This website was evidently set up to milk all the PR the WTS can get for doing what they should be doing anyway (except not letting the right hand know what the left hand is doing.)
Note that the Houston Mayor (brother of a JW) visited the hq, qnd paid lots of compliments.
NOW, notice the question form the FAQ Page, which I bolded below. "Appears" that the WTS may be getting compensated for the Brothers' efforts:
• updates •
• FAQs •
• stories •
•news videos•
• links •
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I take a tour of the office facilities?
A: Tours will be given 9:00 a.m. — 9:00 p.m., seven days per week.The office is located at 4660 Timber Pines, Suite 100, Houston, TX 77041; Phone (281) 4 JW-HELP.
Q: Can I donate clothing, appliances or other items? If so, how?
A: Contact the Relief Coordinator (Presiding Overseer) in your congregation. Request a donation form, return it to him, and you will be contacted. Note that no clothing donations are needed at this time.
Q: What is his role?
To personally assist each flood victim in his congregation.
To coordinate the congregations' participation in all phases of the relief work.
To monitor the repair progress of the homes in the congregation.
To coordinate assistance to neighboring congregations if possible.
Q: What should I do with my FEMA or insurance check?
A: Contact the Government Aid & Insurance Department at (281) 4 JW-HELP. Paul Besheer is the overseer and Cecil King is the assistant overseer.
Q: What if I am not legally a citizen of the U.S., can I still apply for government assistance?
A: Yes, if you have a child born in the U.S., you are legally eligible to apply, FEMA is encouraging all to make application. Contact Paul Besheer or Cecil King at (281) 4 JW-HELP.
Q: Can I donate money directly to the Houston Relief Committee?
A: You may donate funds to "Watchtower" and mark the check memo "For Disaster Relief Fund" and deposit in your congregation's contribution box, or you may send a check payable to Houston Relief Committee 2001 and mail to: Houston Relief Committee 2001, P.O. Box 800965, Houston, Texas 77280-0965.
Q: When will the work begin on my house?
A: Contact your Congregation Relief Coordinator or Congregation Liaison at the Relief Office at (281) 4 JW-HELP.
Q: FEMA wants an estimate of repairs and a timetable to rebuild. Can someone help me?
A: Contact the Government and Insurance Department at (281) 4 JW-HELP.
Q: How do I get in contact with FEMA?
A: 1-800-462-9029
Q: How do I Volunteer?
A: Contact your Relif Coordinator and request a volunteer application.
Copyright © 2001 Jehovah's Witnesses Houston Relief Committee 2001. All rights reserved
i have noticed there is some debate on this board about russell and whether he was a mason or not.
some say he is a part of a conspiracy others say it is nonesence.. i am, to be quite honest, not sure where i fit in this.
i do find it interesting that russell is buried under a pyramid in the masonic section of a grave yard.
Joe Rutherford was also a member of the Woodman of the World.
You may have stumbled on the biggest scandal in WTS history!!!
Everyone knows that it was JFR who initiated the WTS's policy of publishing mountains and mountains of books, magazines, etc., even though most were nothing but a rehash of previously published material.
NOW, we know the CONSPIRACY behind this wasteful policy.
Woodmen of the World sent JFR to take over the WTS and turn it into the world's largest waster of forest products, guaranteeing a market and income for "woodmen of the world" for many, many decades to come!
i have noticed there is some debate on this board about russell and whether he was a mason or not.
some say he is a part of a conspiracy others say it is nonesence.. i am, to be quite honest, not sure where i fit in this.
i do find it interesting that russell is buried under a pyramid in the masonic section of a grave yard.
Plug NiKl:
I am on a quest for personal knowlege and it feels like I was attacked by Mad. It kind of pisses me off when I was simply asking a question. Almost like going to the kingdom hall and asking the elders about the UN thing. :-)
Who started this thread with these assertions in the opening post?
I do find it interesting that Russell is buried under a pyramid in the Masonic section of a grave yard.
The whole system for interpreting the prophesies using pyramidology is masonic in nature.WHO??? then state this in their second post in this thread?
All I can say, it that in my reading of Masonic literature, there seems to be a simularity in many ways in believing that pyramids are somehow able to help break a code for telling the future and prophesy.
What an ass!!!
i have noticed there is some debate on this board about russell and whether he was a mason or not.
some say he is a part of a conspiracy others say it is nonesence.. i am, to be quite honest, not sure where i fit in this.
i do find it interesting that russell is buried under a pyramid in the masonic section of a grave yard.
Great work, as always! Seems like hardly a week goes by here that these jokers don't try and pull the same 'ol tired Illuminati/Masonry Bullshit.
They start out making "factual statements", which are total horseshit. Then, when asked to PROVE their "facts", they try to change the thread around to: "Well, you can't prove that Russell wasn't a Mason," like it is incumbent on everyone else in the world to prove a negative, or else their fantasies are true.
I can't figure out whether these people are ignorant, have mental problems, or are just inherently dishonest?
i have noticed there is some debate on this board about russell and whether he was a mason or not.
some say he is a part of a conspiracy others say it is nonesence.. i am, to be quite honest, not sure where i fit in this.
i do find it interesting that russell is buried under a pyramid in the masonic section of a grave yard.
You began this thread with several specific "factual" statements, which I have asked you to prove.
Are you now trying to say that it is only your "opinion" that Russell is buried beneath a pyramid, and such is located in a Masonic graveyard?
Whether you intend such statements to be "factual" or "opinion", PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR PROOF OR AT LEAST SOME EVIDENCE on which you base your opinion.
I would also like to see some of this "evidence":
All I can say, it that in my reading of Masonic literature, there seems to be a simularity in many ways in believing that pyramids are somehow able to help break a code for telling the future and prophesy.
i have noticed there is some debate on this board about russell and whether he was a mason or not.
some say he is a part of a conspiracy others say it is nonesence.. i am, to be quite honest, not sure where i fit in this.
i do find it interesting that russell is buried under a pyramid in the masonic section of a grave yard.
I do find it interesting that Russell is buried under a pyramid in the Masonic section of a grave yard. Is this proof? Well, could you get your loved one buried in a masonic cemetary if they weren't a mason? Could you do it in the early part of the 20th century when Masons were more powerful?
Please provide PROOF that:
1. "Russell is buried under a pyramid."
2. "... in the Masonic section of the graveyard."
I have read some masonic literature from the 1800s (My grandfather was a 33rd degree member)and they mention Jehovah quite often.
Hell, with that kind of evidence, Russell and the WTS must have connections with every religious and quasi-religious organization that ever mentioned or published the name "Jehovah".
The whole system for interpreting the prophesies using pyramidology is masonic in nature.Based on your track record thus far, I would LOVE to see your PROOF of this "conclusion".
I think the evidence points to a masonic connection but I would love to hear evidence or reasoning as to why certain ones believe Russell was NOT a mason.WHAT "EVIDENCE"?
You posted:
Comparing his pyramid to the other humble gravestones, suggests that russell was held in high regard by the masons. Very interesting.
Madapostate, you will want these.
What makes you think that I am the only one here that thinks the Mason/Illuminati Conspiracy Theory is BUNK?
Also, what makes you think I haven't seen these photos previously?
Not only have I seen such, but I can partially answer NN's question, to which I suspect he knows the answer, but is tactful enough to let the conversation develop.
The partially hollow Pyramid "was planned" to hold a sealed metal box containing a set of Studies in the Scriptures, the Memorial ZWT, various tracts, photographs of Russell, a copy of the WTS Charter, etc.
BTW, why are you "comparing" the Pyramid to "other humble gravestones"? Russell's gravestone (minus inscription) is also somewhat "humble".