Here is yesterday's exchange just for the record. Sorry that my comment about Chasson's research didn't indicate that he had not time-traveled back to the 1870s.
The "cause" is dissemination of
TRUTH about "the troooth".
The only "connection" (and it isn't technically a connection), between Russell and the Masons is that both had/have interests in the Egyptian Pyramids. Russell was one of the most prominent "pyramidologists", with other prominent "pyramidologists" (Morton Edgar) also being Watchtower Society Officers.
The Masons' history and ideology also include stuff about the Egyptian pyramids.
Since both groups have used Egyptian icons/symbols, some conspiratists have tried to say that Russell's source of such was the Masons, when in fact, the two groups are using the same source- Egyptology.
Master Member
Posts: 677
Since: Mar 1, 2001
Re: Judah Ben SchroederAug 18, 2001 12:05:39 PM
So... there's NO connection between Russell and the Masons (other than their similar history/interest in pyramidology)?
Senior Member
Unites States of America
Posts: 162
Since: Jul 24, 2001
Re: Judah Ben SchroederAug 18, 2001 3:42:54 PM
I'm not sure what you are asking??? Are you looking to argue semantics- ie the meaning of the word "connection"?
Who knows, Russell probably slept in a hotel owned by a Mason, traveled in a taxi driven by a Mason, wore a suit tailored by a Mason???
Other, than the common denominator of Egyptian icons/symbols used by both Russell and Masonry, I know of no other meaningful info.
Yesterday, there was a very good post by Chasson(?), who had researched Masonic history in the Pittsburgh area, and he uncovered nothing which would indicate Russell or his father were Masons. Take a look.
Master Member
Posts: 677
Since: Mar 1, 2001
Re: Judah Ben SchroederAug 18, 2001 5:21:02 PM
I'm not sure what you are asking??? Are you looking to argue semantics- ie the meaning of the word "connection"?
No, MA, I do not argue semantics.
I was under the impression that Russell may have been 'connected' with Masonry in the sense of having studied with or been a member of - , that's all. I got that impression from a cursory research on some of the exjw sites. I may have mentioned: I don't care either way, just curious. I know all *I* will ever need to know about Russell, Rutherford, Knorr, etal.
When you said, "Chasson had researched Masonic history in the Pittsburgh area and uncovered nothing which would indicate Russell or his father were Masons," that was all I needed to hear. That was the 'connection' I was asking about. As far as you know, Russell was never a Mason.
Thank you.