I will take a look at your link later when I have time to spare.
In the meantime, You and "Mr Poor Thread aka GermanJW" please take this discussion to a separate thread!
Thank you.
"adultresses, do you not know that the friendship with the world is enmity with god?
whoever, therefore, wants to be a friend of the world is constituting himself an enemy of god.
"they are no part of the world, just as i am no part of he world.
I will take a look at your link later when I have time to spare.
In the meantime, You and "Mr Poor Thread aka GermanJW" please take this discussion to a separate thread!
Thank you.
"adultresses, do you not know that the friendship with the world is enmity with god?
whoever, therefore, wants to be a friend of the world is constituting himself an enemy of god.
"they are no part of the world, just as i am no part of he world.
Thanks for letting us know that the indicated post was a scam, BUT WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU THEN TURN AROUND AND RATE THE ENTIRE THREAD "POOR" DUE TO ONE LOUSY POST???
"adultresses, do you not know that the friendship with the world is enmity with god?
whoever, therefore, wants to be a friend of the world is constituting himself an enemy of god.
"they are no part of the world, just as i am no part of he world.
Your post is not what this thread is about.
However, it is interesting. I don't have time now to view the link you provided to verify the allegations, but if such are credible, your post deserves its own separate thread, rather than burying it in my thread which noone cares about.
someone very nice (alan f) passed this on to me late friday and i did not have the opportunity to pass it on to you.. if any of you guys have been following my un thread (which is now very tough to find thanks to the changes in the board) you may have noticed the 1994 un directory.
it provided three names on page 261 that were linked with the wts's name.
one person was w. l. barry (at the time he was the vice president).
To AlanF:
Thanks for "all" your comments and observations.
You are correct that I was never a Bethelite, and everything I know about Bethel goings-on is second hand info at best. Thus, I'll not attempt to dispute most of what you say.
However, I do have one OVERWHELMING bit of evidence that the "Library Card" theory is wrong.
That is, the "Library Card" theory is THE WTS's EXPLANATION OF WHAT OCCURRED!!!
The very fact that the "LC" explanation was "test marketed" in England, only a few days after the facts became publicly known, tells me that such explanation has a small chance of being accurate. Just look at the "spin" put out to rebut the "abuse" publicity.
as of 6:02 pm last night i received a facsimile from paul hoeffel at the un on the wts.. he gave me 3 of the 4 things i requested in two paragraphs.. i have sent a scanned version to steve bates and someone else.. i sent it to kent and randy.
and kent and randy have posted the official united nations letter on their web sites.. here is the letter - put your cursor on the image and then right click on your mouse and hit "save image" to your computer.. .
after you look at kent's web site and you people still think this it is a fake letter, phone paul hoeffel yourself at (212) 963-8070.. hawk
I thought you might like to have the face to go with the voice.
someone very nice (alan f) passed this on to me late friday and i did not have the opportunity to pass it on to you.. if any of you guys have been following my un thread (which is now very tough to find thanks to the changes in the board) you may have noticed the 1994 un directory.
it provided three names on page 261 that were linked with the wts's name.
one person was w. l. barry (at the time he was the vice president).
So, based on the "Library Card" theory, what was "so important, essential, necessary" about gaining access to the UN Library that the WTS consciously was willing to sacrifice its core principles and become a "PR Lackey" for Satan's Beast?
We have to give the WTS sufficient credit to have hoped for at least an even trade. A Library Card wasn't "worth" what they gave up. However, "status" as a UN NGO PARTNER, which could be used in a global plan to "appear" mainstream, so as to "work" the system to gain access to the then opening communist bloc countries was more in line as an even swap.
To say that the responsible WTS parties were numbskulls, who didn't know or care about the ramifications of "association", is to ignore the fact that not only did the WTS comply with NGO criteria and responsibilities, but the tone of WT and AW articles re the UN had already started to change prior to 1991, seemingly to prepare material and a "tract record" necessary to be submitted with the NGO Application.
The "Library Card" theory also requires one to believe that it was "purely coincidental" that paperwork for the WTS's UN "association" and AIDAFRIQUE's establishment occurred essentially at the very same time.
Added after Chassons's post: Who knows who this French Doctor is or what his connections are within the Borg? For a r&f JW to start up an international relief organization to serve international JWs, without involvement of the WTS hierarchy, doesn't make JWsense.
I still think that the circumstantial evidence points to "a plan". Who had the original idea and when, or when did the GB sign on, I don't know. BUT, at some point this became GB sanctioned strategy to sacrifice religious principle for marketing purposes.
as of 6:02 pm last night i received a facsimile from paul hoeffel at the un on the wts.. he gave me 3 of the 4 things i requested in two paragraphs.. i have sent a scanned version to steve bates and someone else.. i sent it to kent and randy.
and kent and randy have posted the official united nations letter on their web sites.. here is the letter - put your cursor on the image and then right click on your mouse and hit "save image" to your computer.. .
after you look at kent's web site and you people still think this it is a fake letter, phone paul hoeffel yourself at (212) 963-8070.. hawk
Only AlanF can tell us his conclusions for sure, but reread his entire message, with particular emphasis paid to his words which I "bolded".
While it is "nice" to have proof that both the Writing and Service departments had their fingers in the pie, like any corporate organization, the "critical" piece of evidence is that the Board of Directors a/k/a the Governing Body were primary actors in the plot.
R&F JWs will dismiss involvement by the 2 depts at the blink of an eye. THE GB IS THE KEY!!!
R&F JWs will even dismiss involvement by the GB at two blinks of an eye IF it can be established that the reason for the NGO association was merely to gain access to the UN Library.
Why would R&F JWs not believe this lame excuse, since it appears that even some prominent xjws have swollowed the bait?
as of 6:02 pm last night i received a facsimile from paul hoeffel at the un on the wts.. he gave me 3 of the 4 things i requested in two paragraphs.. i have sent a scanned version to steve bates and someone else.. i sent it to kent and randy.
and kent and randy have posted the official united nations letter on their web sites.. here is the letter - put your cursor on the image and then right click on your mouse and hit "save image" to your computer.. .
after you look at kent's web site and you people still think this it is a fake letter, phone paul hoeffel yourself at (212) 963-8070.. hawk
Well, I see from his wording that AlanF joins with Maximus, and maybe Norm(?), in agreeing with the WTS that this whole UN-NGO business was nothing but a moronic attempt by the Writing Dept to merely get the now infamous "UN LIBRARY CARD" so that they could publish even more info from the UN, than they had published prior to 1991. Except now, in order to publish more articles, they would have to make them more positive re the UN in order to fulfill their UNDPI commitment. Makes perfect sense to me:
Robert Johnson, in 1994, was a member of the Service Department and was the Watchtower Society's official spokesman. He remained the main
spokesman until James Pellechia was appointed head of the newly formed
Public Relations department around 1995. According to insider reports,
Johnson is a polished speaker as well as a fine man, and he and his wife Grace are well-liked members of the Bethel family. Johnson once served as a District Overseer.The fact that Johnson was both the official Watchtower spokesman in
1994, and that he was a prominent member of the Service Department,
connects the Service Department officially with the Writing Department
(through Ciro Aulicino) in that it demonstrates that Watchtower
officials in each department were thoroughly involved with the UN NGO
connection, and that they must have known about each other's
involvement.It should also be noted that Ciro Aulicino is a researcher in the
Writing Department, and as such he had no authority of his own to get
the Watchtower Society associated with the UN as an NGO. His "boss"
Harry Peloyan certainly must have been instrumental in getting Governing Body member Lloyd Barry, and after Barry's death another GB member (likely Jack Barr) to sign the various application and yearly
accreditation forms. As editor-in-chief of Awake! magazine, Peloyan has been in the perfect position to get articles seemingly supportive of UN goals printed in Awake!, and to influence the necessary GB members and other Watchtower officials to buy into the Society's associate NGO status.Hope this helps all of you understand the connections.
someone very nice (alan f) passed this on to me late friday and i did not have the opportunity to pass it on to you.. if any of you guys have been following my un thread (which is now very tough to find thanks to the changes in the board) you may have noticed the 1994 un directory.
it provided three names on page 261 that were linked with the wts's name.
one person was w. l. barry (at the time he was the vice president).
Well, I see from his wording that AlanF agrees with Maximus, Norm(?), AND the WTS that this whole UN-NGO business was nothing but a moronic attempt by the Writing Dept to merely get the now infamous "UN LIBRARY CARD":
Robert Johnson, in 1994, was a member of the Service Department and was the Watchtower Society's official spokesman. He remained the main
spokesman until James Pellechia was appointed head of the newly formed
Public Relations department around 1995. According to insider reports,
Johnson is a polished speaker as well as a fine man, and he and his wife Grace are well-liked members of the Bethel family. Johnson once served as a District Overseer.The fact that Johnson was both the official Watchtower spokesman in
1994, and that he was a prominent member of the Service Department,
connects the Service Department officially with the Writing Department
(through Ciro Aulicino) in that it demonstrates that Watchtower
officials in each department were thoroughly involved with the UN NGO
connection, and that they must have known about each other's
involvement.It should also be noted that Ciro Aulicino is a researcher in the
Writing Department, and as such he had no authority of his own to get
the Watchtower Society associated with the UN as an NGO. His "boss"
Harry Peloyan certainly must have been instrumental in getting Governing Body member Lloyd Barry, and after Barry's death another GB member (likely Jack Barr) to sign the various application and yearly
accreditation forms. As editor-in-chief of Awake! magazine, Peloyan has been in the perfect position to get articles seemingly supportive of UN goals printed in Awake!, and to influence the necessary GB members and other Watchtower officials to buy into the Society's associate NGO status.Hope this helps all of you understand the connections.
un/wtbs wtbs answer to all jws.
i think almost everyone on this board is aware of the latest case about the un/wtbs connections.
4 days later i receive an answer letter.
.....helping Waiting up off the floor....
No, Sweetheart, the WTS was not a DPI nor a UNDPI.
The WTS was a NGO formally associated with UNDPI.
Now, have a good nite's sleep.