It's been nearly 2 decades since CoC was written, and nearly 1 decade since ISoCF. Besides that, I am not criticizing what (or how) he accomplished with those two books.
However, IMO, to say that he owes the world no more, just doesn't cut it.
RF worked for many decades, in numerous capacities, including writing books and articles and as a member of the GB. Most of his work occurred during the pre-1975 build-up, when hundreds of thousands were attracted to the JWs. RF incurred a debt during that time which he can only be pay back by doing everything in his power to reveal everything he knows about the WTS. As far as I'm concerned, he DOES OWE the world!
There's a plethora of ways and means to get the info out if he so chose, but according to insider posts here, he refuses to even privately divulge info with insiders.
I don't care what anyone else thinks, but if RF goes to his grave with such info, I'll not forgive him for such.
For those whose arguments rely on his age and health condition, I can only think about RF's Uncle Freddie who was doing his utmost to promote the Borg (including giving convention talks) until the day he died despite being blind. Unc Freddie appears to have been the more committed of the two.
If a thief robs you of $1000, you appreciate it if he turns himself in and begins a repayment schedule.
However, that appreciation doesn't last long when the thief stops half way through the repayments and tells you that he's not repaying any more because he feels that he has done enough.