Free ticket to Heaven. Do you want to go to Heaven???. Free ticket tell everyone you know!!!.
Jesus is offering you a free ticket to heaven. I am going to tell you the Good news, and how that you can become a Christian, and receive the free ticket of salvation, and go to Heaven.
All you have to do is pray/say out loud the sinner's prayer, and believe in Jesus.
You have to believe that Jesus Christ The Son of God loved you so much that he gave his life for you by dying for you, and your sins so to offer you eternal life, so that you will not go to hell, but go to heaven if you receive him.
Also that Jesus was buried in a tomb, and the third day he was raised bodily from the grave/dead by God the father to show, and prove that you are forgiven. How to believe is simple. There was a man once that came to Jesus who didn't believe, and he said something like Lord I want to believe, please help me with my unbelief. So Jesus will help you with your unbelief if you ask him, and the other way how to believe is by calling on the name of the Lord (Jesus) in the sinner's prayer.
Because you can not call on his name without believing Romans 10:14. So if you can call on the name of the Lord, then that means you believe, and that's what the sinner's prayer is, which is calling on the name of the Lord. The publican in the bible prayed a sinner's prayer, and Jesus said that he was saved. So please if you want to go to Heaven, and become a Christian, Just please say out loud this simple prayer if you can. Just say..(Lord Jesus I know I am a sinner I know I can not save myself I believe you died on the cross for me, and that you rose again from the grave the third day. I ask you to come into my heart and save me now, I accept you now as my personal Lord, and savior, I ask you to forgive me of my sins, I repent of my sins I call upon your name Jesus, I confess that you Jesus are Lord, Lord help me with my unbelief, in Jesus name I pray amen) Now if you said/prayed that, then that means you are now saved, and going to heaven, and a christian. So will you say/pray the sinner's prayer???