I have a prayer request, and I don't know exactly how to explain it. We all have sins that we battle, fall back into, and then regret having fallen back into. Mine is gluttony. I battle it daily. Some may try to call it a disorder or an addiction, but what it is, to me, is sin-gluttony.
I battle and win for months at a time, and then I fall back. I am not strong enough on my own, and obviously I have not yet truly given it over to God. Though I imagine that I have repented and turned away, obviously I have not. These are things I need to do.
Please pray for me.
JoinedPosts by StopTheTears
Pray for strength and guidance
by StopTheTears ini have a prayer request, and i don't know exactly how to explain it.
we all have sins that we battle, fall back into, and then regret having fallen back into.
mine is gluttony.
Amazing song capturing love of country
by StopTheTears inthis man personally wrote this beautiful song and the video.
share it with others.
it reminds me to thank god every day to live in america and the freedoms we have.. .
All I can say is "Wow".
Agreed. You can order a copy at "http://americawestandasone.com/request/" I ordered one to keep in the car and several were given as christmas presents.
are you storing treasure in heaven?
by StopTheTears inthe bible tells us to lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.
this is true wealth.
so many people have departed from the christian faith because of love for money, whether it be paper money, gold and silver, real estate, et cetera.
The Bible tells us to lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven. This is true wealth. So many people have departed from the Christian faith because of love for money, whether it be paper money, gold and silver, real estate, et cetera. It's not a sin to invest; but it is a sin to become engulfed with making money.
1st Timothy 6:10, "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."
I'm so sick and tired of hearing greedy men talk about buying gold and silver. They make it sound like you can't live without gold and silver. I say, you can't take it with you.
Jesus taught us to lay up treasures in Heaven "where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal." Any wealth you may accumulate in this world is vulnerable.
Thankfully, they cannot touch our heavenly rewards. This is exactly why Jesus told us to lay up treasures in Heaven. Notice that Jesus mentioned 3-culprits who rob our wealth:- Moths
- Rust
- Thieves
No matter what material possessions you may have, they will deteriorate over time. You can buy expensive clothes, but they will fade and develop holes in them over time. As you wash your clothes, and wear them, they will become old, torn and unwearable.
If you buy a home, termites will eat away at it, fire will consume it, a tornado will blow it away, or criminal bankers will steal it by forfeiture.
If you buy a fancy automobile, it will eventually rust, parts will break, seals will dry rot, the interior will fade, the chassis will sag and engine parts will wear old. You can buy a new car every few years (if you can afford to do so), but you'll have to continue buying cars, because they will wear out. No matter what you buy, it will become old and brittle.
Jesus said that our heavenly treasures WON'T rust, nor will our clothes wear old and torn, nor will things become old and brittle, nor will the possessions we own become broken and unusable. This is quite an amazing truth. The material things which the Lord will give us in eternity will last, retain their good condition and be free from damage. For this fact, Jesus encourages us to work to lay up treasures in Heaven. Amen!
There is nothing more frustrating than to go to work, earn a paycheck, buy something one's heart desires, and enjoy it for a short time; but then a thief breaks into your home, car or storage area and steals it. Stealing is a sin forbidden in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:15). There are many thieves in this world, most of whom wear white collars and sit behind a desk.
It's not the petty thief breaking into your back door that you need to worry about the most; it's the criminal bankers, tyrant government and crooked lawyers who will take away your wealth. There is a way to thwart all of them—by laying up treasures in Heaven where they can't steal them from us.
So this begs the question: How does one lay up treasures in Heaven?
First, you must be a born-again Christian or you'll never see Heaven. Salvation happens when a person acknowledges their guilt of sin, and comes to God on the basis of being a hell-deserving sinner; believing on Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God, to forgive their sins.
Second, as a Christian, everything that you do for Jesus' sake or the Gospel's will be rewarded.
So many people these days are absolutely consumed with making money. It's their life. Although they may enjoy the splendors of this temporary life, they won't have much in Heaven, if they're even going to Heaven.
The greatest treasure in Heaven will be the souls of people saved through the preaching of the Gospel. That is the greatest treasure of all. -
Amazing song capturing love of country
by StopTheTears inthis man personally wrote this beautiful song and the video.
share it with others.
it reminds me to thank god every day to live in america and the freedoms we have.. .
I just watched this again and cant believe he's not famous. His music amazes me.
by Lady Lee inas a kid i got bullied a lot.
i was taller than all the kids in the class.
i wore funny clothes - usually hand-me-downs from somewhere or just plain ugly.
We can be bullied in traffic too. Have you ever driven down the highway and had someone follow closely or flash their lights? You feel compelled to pull over or speed up. Thats bullying.
Or at a stop light if you dont ago immediately when the light turns, at a speed those behind you feel you should, they blow the horn. That's bullying.
At a stop light i cant even think im so focused on making sure i go when the light turns so i dont endure harrassment from others. Nearly every time I'm required to go somewhere in the car I come home shaking and in tears because other drivers are so vicious to me.
Beware of Jehovah's Witness
by StopTheTears inhave you ever been at home, heard the knock on the door, and found a pair of nice looking people wanting to give you a free magazine?
where the magazine is titled awake!
or watchtower?
As far as Enochian Magic, Russell certainly never believed in such.
Please note that I am not an advocate for the Jehovah's Witnesses. I do not believe in such an organization.
That's your choice, but my eyes are wide open.
Cantleave: .......his posts are just awesome.
I am a woman.
Beware of Jehovah's Witness
by StopTheTears inhave you ever been at home, heard the knock on the door, and found a pair of nice looking people wanting to give you a free magazine?
where the magazine is titled awake!
or watchtower?
The Rothschilds had long had a plan to create a religion of their own for the Illuminati.
One, Charles Taze Russell, of the Illuminati Russell bloodline was the man who founded the Watchtower Society, also known as the Jehovah's Witnesses.
He was a Satanist, a pedophile according to his wife, a friend of Rothschilds, and most certainly Illuminati. It was the Rothschilds who funded the Jehovah's Witness operation into being, along with other Illuminati bankers through "contributions" by organizationz like the Rothschild-controlled B'nai B'rith.
This was proved in a court of law in 1922.
Russell's family was formerly known as Roessel and went to Scotland from Germany. Of course, Germany is a massive occult nucleus, from which the Rothschilds emerged, and Scotland is one of the key areas of the world for Illuminati bloodlines. From the start, Charles Taze Russell used his new Watchtower Society, based at Bethel, Brooklyn, New York, as a front for Enochian magic as his brand of Satanism was called. He put the flying Sun disk on the front of his books, an ancient Illuminati symbol going back to Kemet.
The Watchtower magazine has alwayz been a mass of subliminal and less subliminal occult symbolizm and the very name, Watchtower, is part of Illuminati and Freemasonic legend and code.
Beware of Jehovah's Witness
by StopTheTears inhave you ever been at home, heard the knock on the door, and found a pair of nice looking people wanting to give you a free magazine?
where the magazine is titled awake!
or watchtower?
Have you ever been at home, heard the knock on the door, and found a pair of nice looking people wanting to give you a free magazine? Where the magazine is titled Awake! or Watchtower? I have. These people are Jehovah’s Witnesses, and the message they have to share is a dangerous perversion of Christianity.
Have you passed a Kingdom Hall building and wondered what occurred inside? I have.
Perhaps you will feel the burden to pray for these decent but disillusioned people. Perhaps next time they come knocking at your door, you will have a message for them.
The Jehovah’s Witnesses got their start in 1884, when Charles Russell formed Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society, though their true roots sprang up fourteen years earlier from a Bible Study Russell organized in Allegheny, Pennsylvania.
The JW’s publish two semi-monthly magazines as their primary publications. Awake! targets mostly non-JW’s and focuses on non-Biblical topics such as current events and news stories. The Watchtower magazine is toted as the “chief means of instructing members in doctrine and practice”
by Lady Lee inas a kid i got bullied a lot.
i was taller than all the kids in the class.
i wore funny clothes - usually hand-me-downs from somewhere or just plain ugly.
I've called the police on my neighbors several times due to this behavior. You can't be too safe. I've always got my eyes open and make it a daily habit to have a glance around my neighbors property while i'm watering my flowers and such. And keeping my ears open. I keep my cellphone charged and at my side at all times and my neighbors know that i've got my eye on them and I will not hesitate to call the Police if I have any suspicion of wrong behavior.