I noticed quite a few people marking the thread. Leolia got us off to a great start, two years ago, I would like to see some questions from those marking the thread. What would you like to know about this topic?Meanwhile I'll put forth a bit to chew on using a few artifacts already mentioned by Leolia.
The instructions for the construction of the menorah is given in Exodus 25:31-40. In Exodus, the menorah is clearly a symbol of Yahweh. Not an image of Yahweh, but a cultic symbol used in the tabernacle and later the Temple. The term used to describe its features include branches, blossoms, almond, knobs or calyx (depending upon your translation), and petals. In short, it is a tree in blossom, as far as we know from the description an almond tree. We've all seen a menorah but lets put it in a historical context.
Look at the commemoration of the destruction of Jerusalem on the Arch of Titus. The menorah here is depicted as described in Exodus and is being carried out of the Temple. Three branches on either side of a central trunk.

Pithos A from Kuntillet Arjud ca. 8th century has already been mentioned as referring to both Yahweh and Asherah. What I would like to draw attention to is the reverse side of Pithos A.

Here we have two ibex on either side of a tree. It is difficult to count but there are three branches one either side, assuming symmetry, of a central trunk. The top has a curling leaf on either side that extends to the mouth of either ibex which can be mistaken as a fourth branch.
Now lets go back in time by about 1,000 years and look at the Taanach Cult Stand. On the third register we have a tree flanked by two goats or ibexes. This symbol is used to signify Asherah, as is the Goddess on the bottom stand flanked by two lions. This image with two ibex on either side of the tree is important. This tree has, like the menorah and the reverse side of Pithos A from Kuntillet Arjud, three branches on either side of the central trunk. On the top register is a young bull or calf with a flying sun, a denotation of divinity in the ANE, this calf can be posited by inscriptional and iconographical evidence to be El, Baal, or YHWH. Both the top and second tier have sphinxes and are by virtue linked together just as the bottom and third tiers are linked together. It has been proposed that both the calf on the top and the empty fenestration on the second tier are aniconic representations of YWHW (cf. the cheribum flanking the mercy seat in the Tabernacle and presumably the Temple). Other places where Baal or El are depicted with a bull they are standing on its back. This combination of deities standing on the back of animals is widely attested throughout the ANE. The fact that a deity is absent from the back of the divine calf and the empty fenestration on the second tier is an argument from absence, a possible indication of aniconography. It does remain possible that either EL or Baal were intended.

Going back yet further in time another 300 years we see the Lachish Ewer. Here there is also a tree flanked by two male ibexes or rams. Above the tree is the title of the goddess Asherah 'lt, the feminine form of EL meaning lady. Does the tree, the representation of the goddess Asherah, look familiar? Does it look like a menorah?
Is the menorah an Asherah? Look closer at at drawing of the image of import.

Yep, it still appears to be three branches on either side of a central trunk.
Now it is important to understand the usage of Asherah in the bible. She is depicted as a goddess with phrophets in the story of Elijah. The asherah is also described as a stylized tree whether carved from a tree or a living tree for Asherah the goddess. Lastly the Asherah is described as being a stylized or carved symbol for any deity. From the varied use of Asherah in the bible alone we can determine that Asherah was a goddess, a symbol denoting the goddess, and lastly a symbol detached from the goddess.
In 1 Kings 7:49 we learn that there were five on the north side and five on the south side in front of the inner sanctuary. It is also important to note that they weren't in the holy of holies. However, let us do the math of three branches on either side of a central trunk 3+3+1=7 or the seven lamps described in Exodus 25:37. But there are ten of them in the temple so 7 * 10=70. Leolia had mentioned earlier that Asherah is noted for creating 70 sons with El and Genesis 10, the Table of Nations has 70 Nations, and Deuteronmy has El ELoyn distributing amongst his sons a nation as an inheritance; Yahweh's portion being Israel. Much of this is conjecture, but not baseless conjecture. What I think important to note is that Solomon is internally known within the Hebrew Bible as a polytheist. Why would anyone assume that a polytheist built a temple for only one god? Especially in light of 2 Kings 23 which explicitly states that many of the monuments that Solomon had built in and around Israel were still standing and then destroyed in the reign of Josiah.