you have several errors in your post, just in case you wanted to change it to actual facts, some things you may want to reconsider:
Seventh day adventists sprouted MANY years before JW's, and including the baptist saga into the "JW" story is totally irrelevent, unless you are saying the Baptists started the apocalyptic movement, which would be insane, since actually it was started by the teachings of Christ & his foloowers in the 1st century.
one, Seventh Day Adventists grew out of the Millerite movement of the 1840's. The bible students began in 1870's. so your story is misleading, which is ironic considering you are big on "DATES". : )
also, the first publication of the WT was July 1, 1879. you say he began publishing his views in the WT before that time.... just saying.
Also, you say Russell changed the dates, throughout time.... how old did this guy live to be anyway??? Russell died in 1916 so how could he have been around to change the dates??? You also have a misconception of the dates you printed, The Witnesses knew that 1914 would be a significant year, and be a turning point of somekind, they just did not know WHAT EXACTLY would happen that year, some did "think" they would be called to heaven but we do know what happened in 1914 don't we, even those who are not witnesses know, historians call 1914 a turning point in history, also,....1925 was the year that the meaning of the "other sheep" was truly understood, then...1975 was a sifting period, SOME JW's believed that the end of the world was literally going to be that year, but that is NOT what the society was TEACHING. It was a great thing that happened because those that were thinking their OWN thoughts and not GOD's thoughts left in 1975!! AWESOME!!
As far as JW's teaching once again that an apocolypse is at hand....
It was the same message that Jesus & his followers taught! Good Grief, you are not all that brilliant are you?? jus sayin....
And dissassociate ourselves from the secular world?? We all WORK our butts off everyday at a secular job...AND.... go out and preach about the Kingdom, so we are MORE involved with people & the secular world than MOST!! Some of us are LAWYERS, some of us are DOCTORS, some of us are FIREMEN, etc... We do not isolate ourselves as some religions do, we just do not take up worldly pursuits, such as WORKING as much overtime as we can get to accumulate material things. Not that having material items are wrong, many are neccessary in the times we live in, we just not PURSUE a "materialistic lifestyle" to "keep up with the jones" so to speak.
As a JW we do not believe that you have to be a JW to be saved, that would be thinking mans thoughts, not Gods thoughts, he can preserve alive anyone he wants to, and some who think they are "saved" may not survive, so there again you are mistaken. Yes, our beliefs are somewhat different than the mainstream, but when Jesus came to the earth his teachings were considered "different" too, and the other Jeligious clergy of the day HATED him for it!
some differences in the mainstream....for instance: we do not believe in a burning hell. The bible does speak of a lake of fire that brings destruction to the wicked, but just like the people of Sodom & Gommorah were destroyed by fire, they were destroyed quickly, just like the people of the flood, the death was quick not an eternal torture. When researching hell, you have to get past MANS idea of what hell is, but what the literal meaning is, for instance Sheol & Gehenna, were TRANSLATED into the word HELL, so get out a strongs concordance and look up the original meaning. That is one point that we differ than most churches on, so why would we ever want to attend a church that teaches such a lie, that God would burn mankind just to torment them, in Deut, he says that the very idea had not come up into his heart. ...there are so many un-truths to your story im not going to waste any more time pointing them out, you obviously have no clue to what Jehovah's Witnesses are totally ridiculous.