You call this an anti JW board but it started out with many believing JWs. With discussion, open questioning, access to accurate information, patience and time, those who have a mind to listen, will naturally see the Watchtower teachings for lies. That is what happened naturally here, so that it has become an overwhelmingly ex-JW board. It would be a real shame if an aggressive attitude amongst the overwhelmingly ex-JWs community were to put off people coming here who are still at the tender stages in their journey - who are current believers right now, who are prickly, but are on this board which probably means that on a subconscious level, they know something is wrong, no matter what they say.
We should welcome current believing JWs and encourage them to discuss their beliefs in freedom and without personal attacks. They may come over as trollish, but allowances ought to be made - they have many misconceptions, biases etc, and come here with armor on and shield raised. I am sure that having a board full of apostates must intimidating. Being hostile to them is counterproductive. Venting at them for all of the hurt that the JW org has caused you is not fair or helpful. We were and are all victims to some extent - believing JWs just don't necessarily know it yet.
I have seen in the past, that people can start out here on this board a zealot with a defiant JW attitude, putting peoples backs up. But then, months later, after sticking around making judgmental posts etc, at some point, a change has occurred, and they start to recognize that they have been misguided. With that last post from A Believer, I think I see something similar happening to him. Such people ought to be made to feel welcome and encouraged to explore their beliefs and not driven away.