Great post David Jay. You really know your stuff.
JoinedPosts by cobweb
How did we get from singular ha-Elohim (God) to plural ha-Elohim (judges)?
by I_love_Jeff inread exodus 22:6-8
jps tanakh : 6 when a man gives money or goods to another for safekeeping, and they are stolen from the man’s house if the thief is caught, he shall pay double; 7 if the thief is not caught, the owner of the house shall come near (נקרב) to god (האלהים) that he has not laid hands on the other’s property.
8 in all charges of misappropriation pertaining to an ox, an ***, a sheep, a garment, or any other loss, whereof one party alleges, “this is it” the case of both parties shall come before god (האלהים): he whom god (אלהים ) declares guilty (ַיְר ִשי ֻףן) shall pay double to the other.
BBC Radio 4 feature on child Abuse
by Isambard Crater inon the radio this morning.
here is the link:.
I heard this, this morning too. It was featured as a headline in the news and papers rundown at 8am and then i saw it had been the main story in the earlier 7:10am Sunday show. It was a good 18 minute long feature and they trailed it several times through the show.
BBC radio 4 is THE main talk radio channel in the UK - many like me set it as their morning alarm & i'm sure even going out so early, it got a good audience.
JW's vs Evangelicals
by cobweb insomeone on my twitter timeline has retweeted posts that contain the hashtag youdon'tknowevangelicals.
it surprised me how familiar a lot of the comments felt to me and i was struck that some of what i think of as jw behavior, mindset and attitude is shared by evangelicals.
there are differences too of course by read the list of tweets below and see if these sound familiar.
I was particularly surprised by the Smurf reference. I really did think that was a JW only thing, and I say that as someone who only learned about it being 'a thing', on these boards after I left. Perhaps its a U.S centric issue lol
JW's vs Evangelicals
by cobweb insomeone on my twitter timeline has retweeted posts that contain the hashtag youdon'tknowevangelicals.
it surprised me how familiar a lot of the comments felt to me and i was struck that some of what i think of as jw behavior, mindset and attitude is shared by evangelicals.
there are differences too of course by read the list of tweets below and see if these sound familiar.
Someone on my twitter timeline has retweeted posts that contain the hashtag YouDon'tKnowEvangelicals. It surprised me how familiar a lot of the comments felt to me and I was struck that some of what I think of as JW behavior, mindset and attitude is shared by evangelicals. There are differences too of course by read the list of tweets below and see if these sound familiar. Each tweet was posted by a different person:
1. #YouDon'tKnowEvangelicals if you've never seen a Stevie Nicks record smashed to pieces because she was deemed a witch
2. #YouDon'tKnowEvangelicals if you've never been told the Smurfs were satantic and pushing a gay agenda
3. #YouDon'tKnowEvangelicals if you think "rock and roll" is an acceptable music genre to listen to.
4. #YouDon'tKnowEvangelicals if you think it's okay to date in high school
5. #YouDon'tKnowEvangelicals if you haven't been told you had to take a formal dress back because even 2 sizes bigger was "too fitted"
6. #YouDon'tKnowEvangelicals if you haven't seen them overlaying Trump with the bible
7. #YouDon'tKnowEvangelicals if you think tipping a waitress 50 cents and a New Testament tract for a table of 15 is inappropriate
8. #YouDon'tKnowEvangelicals if your pastor hasn't discussed "The End Times" at least 6 Sundays a year
9. #YouDon'tKnowEvangelicals if you can't imagine being asked if your history Ph.D dissertation addresses whether Russia is Gog of Magog
10. #YouDon'tKnowEvangelicals if you haven't been accused of "attacking everything we stand for" over a specific criticism of a particular belief
11. #YouDon'tKnowEvangelicals Until you've been molested and disowned by them. I am a better Christian today because they taught me what NOT to do.
12. #YouDon'tKnowEvangelicals if you don't have to weigh if it's worth the pain (on both sides) to tell family/friends your beliefs have changed.
13. #YouDon'tKnowEvangelicals if after you left the church none of your friends was allowed to associate with you.
14. #YouDon'tKnowEvangelicals unless you hid it that you let your children read H.P because your friends believed it's a demonic influence.
15. #YouDon'tKnowEvangelicals if you've never wondered whether Satan put the dinosaur fossils into the earth to tempt us away from creationism
16. #YouDon'tKnowEvangelicals if you don't know a family that has been disowned, excommunicated, ostracized, shunned a family member who is gay LGBTQ
17. #YouDon'tKnowEvangelicals unless your siblings justify their lack of concern about mon's dementia b'c she's in god's hands.
18. #YouDon'tKnowEvangelicals unless your husband is asked if everything's alright at home because you miss a couple church services
19. #YouDon'tKnowEvangelicals until they tell you your very ethical and god-fearing Catholic mother is going to hell because "Jesus" said
20. #YouDon'tKnowEvangelicals if you didn't notice the predatory glances in any and all conversations, seeking to steer it to their faith
Outcome - Banned in Russia - Final
by OrphanCrow ini just watched the live feed from the russian court room and followed the updates on the russian exjw forum.. just waiting for confirmation from other sources...but, it looks like the final (and expected) result is:.
which means that the wts property in russia now belongs to the russian state..
Has the decision of the court already been published on paper?
According to this newsweek article:
The faith, which comprises 175,000 members in Russia and has been active in the country since 1991, has yet to receive the written decision from the court, which it needs in order to launch an appeal, something which it has said it will do.
Do you air on the side of caution?
by compound complex inwell, that would be an airer.
it's all in how we hear the spoken word.
when a little boy, one fellow thought "world peace" was "whirled peas.
The Rebel
So the authority figure doesn't want to admit to not understanding your made up but complicated sounding word so do not question you. That is quite ingenious
Russia banning JWs might not have the "persecution effect" this time
by truthseeker inrussia banning the organization might not have the same effect as the earlier ban did decades ago.. more and more people have access to the internet.
it only takes a few russian jws to start their google search for the first time to discover the truth about their religion.. questions might arise, such as "why is jehovah allowing this to happen?
consider too, the schism that happened when the romanian jws were cut off from brooklyn.
There are differences between a ban now & in the past. In the internet age, JW's only need a good VPN to access the publications. But I wonder how much passion there is to deal with the realities of living in a banned country. Mustering enthusiasm for a fight requires something worth fighting for. The Watchtower of 2017 is a shadow of what it was 30 years ago. The JW belief system has become insubstantial and wishy washy. Would a JW today risk jail to read the new simplified edition of the watchtower as they would for literature in past times? I'm not convinced they would. -
Outcome - Banned in Russia - Final
by OrphanCrow ini just watched the live feed from the russian court room and followed the updates on the russian exjw forum.. just waiting for confirmation from other sources...but, it looks like the final (and expected) result is:.
which means that the wts property in russia now belongs to the russian state..
Watchtower set this up excellently with the assembly videos last year. Russian police coming for a group of JWs gathered in the basement. The guy going to prison. And how here we are. Its like the GB knew.
The entire context of this: Trump & Putin, headlines about world war three. There is an awful lot for the JW mind to latch onto. People reported increased memorial attendance and I can see why.
Outcome - Banned in Russia - Final
by OrphanCrow ini just watched the live feed from the russian court room and followed the updates on the russian exjw forum.. just waiting for confirmation from other sources...but, it looks like the final (and expected) result is:.
which means that the wts property in russia now belongs to the russian state..
That post must be pretty typical. They just can't see it, can they, the contradiction between this:
appalled at the outright denial of human rights and the freedoms that we all hold dear around the world
and this:
really want to see the country leaders, religious false prophets and all those who tried to stamp us out have to come to the realization that they were all wrong, and then.......destruction. Instant removal would be too good for them.
Outcome - Banned in Russia - Final
by OrphanCrow ini just watched the live feed from the russian court room and followed the updates on the russian exjw forum.. just waiting for confirmation from other sources...but, it looks like the final (and expected) result is:.
which means that the wts property in russia now belongs to the russian state..
The story is certainly getting picked up by a lot of media.