Please! Investing in a hedge fund is not the same thing as gambling. It is sad that they do the right thing with their money while instructing the dubs not to save for the future.
I wonder how good their returns are maybe we could start a watch the watchtower investing club.
And that video only gives ammunition to the JWs for use against us "apostates"
JoinedPosts by mynameislame
Hedge Funds
by tornapart ini know this has been covered before but i came across this video and feel sickened by it.....
My Profile Picture
by NeonMadman ini like that picture a lot.
i was a bit thinner then, my hair had rather less gray in it.
it was taken when i was swimming with the dolphins on a shore excursion during a cruise in 2007. nonetheless, i look somewhat different now.
Neo it should be automatic. It took mine ten min or so. Maybe it doesn't work when you already had a custom picture already?
CB, I think you can add email accounts to gravitar once you sign up. I am not sure if you have to verify them or not but worth a try.
My Profile Picture
by NeonMadman ini like that picture a lot.
i was a bit thinner then, my hair had rather less gray in it.
it was taken when i was swimming with the dolphins on a shore excursion during a cruise in 2007. nonetheless, i look somewhat different now.
You need to sign up at with the email you used to set up your account here.
From there is should be pretty easy to figure out.
You need to rate the photo as G rated or else it won't be displayed.
The Photoshop Tutorial page.
by ScenicViewer inin flyinghighnow's wildflower page, she asked how an image could be added to another photo, and i thought to reply in a new thread.. i have noticed there are plenty of experienced photoshop users on this board who would likely have many tips to share with other users.. feel free to ask questions, or provide answers here.
my experience is limited, but i will help where i can, and i hope to learn from others.. there are many capable programs other than photoshop, so feel free to post about any of them you are familiar with.. there is often an easier way to do something, so any shortcuts are welcome!.
how to add an image to another photo.
The Gimp is open source (free) with many of the same features of Photoshop.
(and you can find a tutoral for just about anything by searching google)
Windows users can use the " Download GIMP 2.8.0 " – Installer for Windows XP SP3 or later version link.
Not sure if they have it for the Mac, Linux usersx can probably figure out where to get it on their own.
The Jehovah's Witness Definition of the Word "Soon"
by God_Delusion inhowdy guys and gals!.
forget the word "generation", the watchtower society has completely spun another word - "soon".. how many times did you (do you) hear jehovah's witnesses tell each other "the end is coming soon"?.
i talk about this word spin in our latest article - the jehovah's witness definition of "soon" -
Thats funny, I used to joke with my GF about how when I said i'd do something soon I meant not for a long time and if I said very soon that meant never.
Now I know where I got it.
Interracial Marriage
by Quendi inhere is a question i want to pose because i do not know the correct answer.
i have seen many interracial married couples among jehovah's witnesses--moreso than i have seen in other religions.
however, i have been told that once upon a time, interracial marriage was frowned upon by the wts hierarchy.
Is it just me or was it alway more acceptable for a white guy to marry an asian woman?
My first GF after leaving was black. Maybe it was some sort of rebellion.
Hospitality after Public Talk - ???
by RubaDub ini see a lot of mentions about hospitality after the public talk and honestly, i guess it is a practice that was not in the ny/ct area i grew up in or here in south florida today.. i grew up with an elder father and grandfather who gave public talks and were generally well-liked.
as a child, i never recall being invited to someone's house after the meeting.
granted, it was rare to travel more than an hour but regardless, it was typical to get in the car and head home after the "amens.
I remember going to martha's vineyard with my friends dad and someone put us up for the weekend. Other than that I don't remember anything at our hall or places I went with my father. My dad's unsocial nature may have had something to do with that though.
I'd say Mormons prove it isn't all that risky
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released Wednesday their annual report on health in the United States where statistics showed that, on average, 25-year-olds who received a bachelor's degree had a life expectancy almost nine years longer than those who did not have a high school diploma.
So by denying them college education they are actually shortening their life span. -
What Do Jehovah's Witnesses Have Going For Them?
by minimus inthere must be a reason jws stay or people join..
They prey on the depressed. You feel happy for a while because of the love bombing. So you sign up. Then you fall back into the depression which makes it hard to leave.
by ThomasK9 ini've been involved with the witnessess since 1976. my ex-wife was a baptised sister who fell in with the wrong crowd and left the fruth when she should have been disfellowshipped.
thats another story.
after returning home in 1980 from working in the u.s. navy, i contacked her parents and in 1982 started studying for ernest.
What if you had something on your chin that was more offensive than a beard such as a swastika tatoo? Would they bend the rules for that? Can men wear makeup to cover it over?
Speaking of tatoos, I don't remember seeing many JWs with them. Has that changed since the tatoo craze started?
And I'm not talking born in dubs.