My gravitar account works fine.
Always suprises me when i sign up for a site and see this avitar.
My gravitar account works fine.
Always suprises me when i sign up for a site and see this avitar.
my memory of singing the kingdom songs go back to when i was a child in the 1950's.
they still hold a place in my memory and my heart.
how can something that is so much a part of your childhood not stay embedded in your heart.?.
And i do find myself whistling the songs from time to time, although i'm never sure if they are kingdom melodies or xmas songs.
my memory of singing the kingdom songs go back to when i was a child in the 1950's.
they still hold a place in my memory and my heart.
how can something that is so much a part of your childhood not stay embedded in your heart.?.
Don't remember which one were purged but I heard the reason was because they were essentially plagerized or whatver the equivlent for music is.
16-20. we shall also have to raise up against him seven shepherds, yes, eight dukes of mankind.mic.
what is the most important thing that you can do now to prepare for any future attack on gods people?.
all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.. .
I have to admit i pretty much stopped reading when they said the elders were the dukes.
I know some elders that I thought were nice people and some I thought were sincere and even some that I considered friends but I never met an elder I would trust to have my back under any circumstances.
On a side note regaridng the dukes of hazzard references, have other people been watching the reruns on CMT? yeeeee hawwww......
i have been suffering from fatigue, burning in my stomach, and i have always had canker sore issues as long as i can remember.
whether it's from stress or not, i can't say, but i might be getting an ulcer.
the burning in my stomach and intestinal puffiness is getting to be be chronic.
Would it be wrong for a dub to use this diet since it is based on evolutionary theory?
I do think there might be something to not eating carbs and especially wheat. I did a low carb diet last year and honestly I hadn't felt that good in years. I downloaded Wheat belly from my library and found it an interesting book, not sure i'd pay more than a couple bucks to own it though. The writer goes over all the reasons wheat is bad for you and really unnecessary in our diets. It is one of the most manipulated “natural” foods in our supermarkets.
For me bread is addictive and makes me hungry no matter how much I eat.
One of the arguments against this type of diet is that it is hard to stick to but that has a lot to do with garbage foods being pushed down your throat (almost literally) everywhere in the media.
While i’m no my rant against wheat, I find it odd that the US government recommends so many grains as part of a balanced diet. It's the only processed food on the food pyramid. I think we are using a "plate chart" now but wheat is still recommended as a big portion of each meal.
i just finished a 2,500 mile trip.. something i regularly do is to pray for each and every church that i pass on such trips.
if god in his providence has me passing a church, then surely it is important to pray for that congregation.. .
the next time you pass a church, if this practice comes to mind, lift them up before the throne.
I'm pretty sure my wife does a lot of praying while I'm driving
one thing (among many) that always bothered me about jw teachings is what happens to the soul when we die.
sure god could be capable of creating a body and implanting it with all of our life experiences an memories.
but how would not be a just a clone instead of being actually us?
oops looks like caroline77 stole my idea before I even thought of it.
one thing (among many) that always bothered me about jw teachings is what happens to the soul when we die.
sure god could be capable of creating a body and implanting it with all of our life experiences an memories.
but how would not be a just a clone instead of being actually us?
Does the fact (I actualy don't know if it is a fact) that our bodies regenerate themselves every so often make a difference?
Technically you are not the same person physically that you were when you were born, doesn't seem much different than being resurected and being recreated from a memory.
I'm not a believer in the resurection but just something that came to mind while reading this.
when i believed in god i tried not to pray for anything selfish.. after a while i began to think that a lot of things i was asking my imaginary friend in the sky for were selfish for some reason.. i do not ever remember a single thing i prayed for ever being answered.
if there was the appearance of an answer it was because i did mental gymnastics to make it fit the delusion that god had actually answered me.
there was never an obvious message/answer from god.
Ammo I had a very similar experience but it ended up being the thing that woke me up.
I was praying and also blubbering at home. That same morning an elder and his wife showed up at my door. Knowing I was DFed he offered me a bible study and insisted that it was ok because he was an elder. The next week he showed up as scheduled but without a word handed me a meeting schedule and walked away. That wasn't the end for me but definitely a big part of what finally smartened me up when I was ready to leave.
I do think there is something to prayer whether it is something spiritual or something else. Either way that was definitely a big part of me figuring out TTAT.
i saw:.
neil armstrong say those famous words...this is one small step for a man........... muhammad ali win and loose the world title 3 times.. the 1st women prime minster of the uk..
I remember when your cell phone was one of these things hanging of your dashboard.
I remember where i was when Casey Anthony was found not guilty
flat screen tv
Stock market crash of 2008-2009