Hmm so they got rid of the 6000 year creative days a while ago? I wonder if it was after I was out or I just wasn't paying attention. If they don't know how long the creative days are how do they claim to calculate where we are in the stream of time? That and 1914 seemed to be the two anchors to the whole religion. I guess they have to rely more on the time, times and half a time in daniel. (I gave a talk on how ambiguous Nostradamus was with his predictions and that scripture came instantly to mind). My head is starting to hurt :-)
One thing that seems a bit bizarre to me is the idea of the earth being surrounded by water in the atmosphere. Where did the bible writers come up with that? Seems like they would have written stuff based on what they saw around them in nature. Maybe they came up with the idea of a flood and had to backport the story to match?
The sun and moon become discernible from the earth’s surface
That seems like it might be stretching what that scripture says a bit at least without some qualification.
That one never really sat well with me even back in the day.