I'm starting to think there is something to the stuff that Vanderhoven is talking about.
I don't think it has anything to do with being good or pleasing god but instead it is about faith.
Faith is knowing something is going to happen. Like when you walk down the street you don't ever give a second thought that your foot will land on the ground in front of you.
When I order something online I don't go back the next day and order it again. Instead I might excitedly go to my mailbox to see if it is there yet.
Instead of praying for the the things I don’t have I give thanks for what I do have and expect that any desire I have will be fulfilled.
One of the oddest things that happened to me was one day a woman told me to say something nice about her. I made a nice but semi wisecrack comment. She said hmm well thats a little nice so I wish you a little good luck. Over the next 2 days I found $100 and got half price on an expensive cab ride. ( I really wish I had said something really nice)