We tend to be brain worshipers. The brain is another organ of the body. The brain is embedded in an organism.
Consciousness requires content. You are not just conscious - you are conscious of some THING.
There are also other tissues that act like a nervous system complete with an array of neurotransmitters. The enteric or "gut" brain.
These facts are the reason it is highly unlikely that scientists will be able to duplicate some aspects of human thinking.
The only minds we know of are embedded in flesh.
Some good books about the mind.
Mind and Nature an Necessary Unity - Gregory Bateson
The Mechanism of Mind Edward Debono
The Tree of Life Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela
I want to add something else. The brain is NOT creative. The brain is a reactor. It is the interplay between the brain and its environment that is creative. The brains main purpose is to manage the negative. The brain keeps us in a rut. It wants to quickly form a habit circuit. The quicker we habituate the safer we tend to be. Creativity is an emergent phenomenon - a by product of pattern formation. A good pattern reaches our consciousness because it incorporates a large amount of environmental inputs (iinformation) in a sudden gestalt formation. We experience that as an Aha! moment. Comedians are especially skilled (gifted) at exploiting this.