You should have decided to ignore.
Read again. Obama is not the whore. He is the current spokesman. The USA is playing the role of the harlot. The USA has an empire over the kings of the earth. The USA is still the richest entity on earth. All those with ships at sea have become rich due to "OUR" shameless luxury. The US merchants are the top ranking men of the earth. Russia's deathstroke has healed and it prepared to create its Eurasian Union of the "Kings" who have not received power but will receive power for one hour with the Wild Beast (Revived 7th head but now an 8th yet one of the seven). These Kings will hate the Atlanticists and will destroy Babylon the Great after the USA pushes Russia (King of North) too far.
Ukraine is the red line. It is the essential piece that is needed if Putin is going to create his Eurasian Union. It will not end well for the USA.
I am an atheist yet intrigued by the events that match up with bible prophecy.
I don't expect anyone to follow me. I maintain my anonymity. I could care less about organizations religious or otherwise.