Rod P,
According to Strong's lexicon, amen simply means "so be it".
who still find it strange years on to dive straight into your mail meal without 'giving thanks'?
i say main meal, because dad's prayers were always considerably lengthy before a main meal, and are an institution in every jw household.
even now after a few years i'm just about ready to tuck in when i find myself saying a simple thanks under my breath.
Rod P,
According to Strong's lexicon, amen simply means "so be it".
i want to practice a thechnique that was shared with me today about opening the eyes/minds/hearts of jws.
i need someone to argue the way a jw would about the following question and i will reply and so on until the end.
can i experience "eternal life"?
To answer that question, a JW would quote John 17:3 from their NWT: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ".
I'm referring to Shawn's question "Is there a passage that says 'eternal life' is even available?"
does anyone know what wt issues claimed that jesus was the mediator only for the 144,000?.
i need to be able to prove it to someone who is certain that the wts never stated that.
Thank you Garybuss. That quote is priceless!!! I can't believe they put something like that in print.
does anyone know what wt issues claimed that jesus was the mediator only for the 144,000?.
i need to be able to prove it to someone who is certain that the wts never stated that.
Thank you classicist, blondie and NeonMadman.
does anyone know what wt issues claimed that jesus was the mediator only for the 144,000?.
i need to be able to prove it to someone who is certain that the wts never stated that.
Does anyone know what WT issues claimed that Jesus was the mediator only for the 144,000?
I need to be able to prove it to someone who is certain that the WTS never stated that.
i was reading the thread about "worldy churches" and it made me think about how the jws have a hatred of certain types of worship.. they hate anything "traditional" and state that it is corrupted (pagan).
they hate going into churches because they see religious symbolism like crosses, altars, candles and chalices.
big ornate churches are not beautiful to them, they are a symbol of satan.
I agree with you, Annie. When I was a JW, I never once felt that the KH was a place of worship.
Kingdom Halls are really more like training centers.
a challenge for any who wish to use their youngs or strongs analytical concordances, and just listen to the bible as to the creator's personage.. names @ titles of: the father the son the holy spirit.
descriptive name given yhwh jesus no name, pneuma/ruahh/ wind.
king of kings yes yes no.
At Hebrews 1:8, I know the NWT translates it as "God is your throne", but that is not what the original Greek states. It says "But of the son, he says, 'your throne, O God (ho theos) is forever and ever".
In that passage, God the Father calls Jesus ho theos, The God.
a challenge for any who wish to use their youngs or strongs analytical concordances, and just listen to the bible as to the creator's personage.. names @ titles of: the father the son the holy spirit.
descriptive name given yhwh jesus no name, pneuma/ruahh/ wind.
king of kings yes yes no.
You state that only the Father was called The God (ho theos). Jesus was also called ho theos in John 20:28.
i think nadia is the most talented, but that mohawk last night didn't win her any points with the judges.
simon growl is predicting this week that carrie underwood will win and sell more than any previous ai winner.
of course last week he predicted bo would win.
I hope Bo wins.
well,ive decided to go tomorrow night after all.not to my local cong but another one in the city where i have a very good friend and a few distant family members.i dont agree with much of the orgs teachings or promotions,but i do believe in jesus and really just have a very,very powerful urge to pay my respects to him.. i have been telling my "worldly"girlfriend about the religion and naturally,she is quite interested as this was part of my life since an early age.. blow me down she really wants to come with me!so when she walks into the hall tomorrow and gets a very warm welcome it will possibly shock her,after some of the stranger stories i have told her about the faith(vague stories including no xmas,disfellowshipping,no after school activities etc).i have told her that the welcome she receives will be warm and imho genuine too.she is quite a spiritual person anyway and will enjoy the occasion.. my worry would be that she will enjoy it too much and go to a follow is quite probable.she has never had anything to do with jw,s before, till going out with yours truly .. i,m interested in your comments?.
thanks for listening.
**You clearly weren't ever a Witness then.
Actually, fleaman, I was a JW for 5 years. Been DF'd for several years.
JWs have no personal relationship with Christ, are not allowed to partake communion although he commanded all of his disciples to do so, they think he is merely Michael the Archangel, rarely sing songs about him, certainly do not worship him and the WTS teaches that Jesus is not even their mediatior.
When I was a JW, I rarely knew any other JW that even spoke very much about Jesus.