James_Woods ....
You've been inhaling too much smoke from the right wing loons.
I am not going to hijack this thread but will start another. However, a quick computation for a couple earning $50,000 total ($25,000 each, about $12 per hour) pays 21% combined federal taxes. Forget the "rates" or whatever, just add the two federal taxes on earning together (income and payroll) and divide it by the gross income ... THAT IS HOW TO PROPERLY CALCULATE THE TAX PERCENTAGE.
In other words, a couple working at McDonalds earning $12 per hour each will pay $21 of every $100 they earn taken in federal tax.
Please don't say the "poor" don't pay taxes.
Rub a Dub
False. Below a certain income, there is no net Federal income tax. When wage income is low enough, there is even a credit--a subsidy. That group accounts for nearly half of the country.
Actually, I am going by old data. That number is now over 50%: