But as I said, it's been a cult of suffering and torture for a long time.
Remember, the most important moment in Christian history was the execution of Jesus. For Christians, this moment of evil and suffering visited upon an innocent one led to the triumph of good over evil. For us, it is the transcendental event in all history. God became man and suffered, so that man could become god.
Christianity teaches us to find what is good in even the bad things we experience. Good can come even when evil is visited upon us.
Suffering is a constant aspect of the human condition, it touches us all, and Christianity helps us grant it a meaning where it otherwise might have none. When we suffer we remember Christ, and unite our suffering with his. We accept that suffering exists, even if we do not fully understand why, and we try to give it a higher meaning.
I have suffered, and my Christian faith gave me great peace and strength during difficult times.