1/ 5 years. Stopped cold turkey. A couple of years of barely repressed rage forced me to look at reality.
2/ Had 3 approaches in that time. On each occasion I thanked them for their concern, told them that I would contact them if I required assistance but that at the moment I required none.
3/ Wasn't really aware of others who faded until I left. Once my eyes were opened, I became aware of many that had faded and many more who were in a sort of JW purgatory that only led to JW hell.
4/ No fear. My path out led me very quickly to confirming my long held hunch that the elders are just plain old ordinary men. Not special, not fear inducing, not worthy of any more respect than any other human, certainly not worthy of giving them answers to questions that they had not worked to deserve. As with all humans that I interact with, I try to be honest, respectful and authentic - while being very clear on what personal information I am willing to divulge based on a reciprocated relationship of trust and care.
5/ I'm not shunned per se...I'm just now fully aware of the reality of my life all along. The vast majority of my relationships were conditional, shallow, one way streets.
6/ In the beginning, there was no conscious thought other than self preservation. My rage was becoming all consuming and I had a 3 year old and a newborn. I had no non JW friends and as it turns out no real JW friends either. My family are all zealots who are only interested in relationships for what they can get out of them.
7/ None since stopping.
8/ They may affect my life much the same way as drunk driver may affect my life but they have no power over me. Like a drunk driver, their actions may cause initial disbelief and anger and may even cause my life to veer off onto a path that I can't foresee. I cannot control how others act towards me but I can control if and how I respond and that power is the power I took back the day I left.