Do you think the Bethelites should receive 10 years of Social Security credits for not performing any credible or beneficial work to aid Society? Circuit Overseers come off the work with nothing, very few of these Jokers ever saved any money and are at the mercy of the Watchtower for financial support in their Golden Years.
Who is left holding the wet-paper bag? The Congregations are, they are told to build homes for the former faithful Bethel servants while many of the Witnesses are living off Government Aid. Why should those on Government Aid, who listened to the Slave, have to live like Skid-Row so the Circuit Overseers can live in better homes than many of the JWs do? The COs still get invited to all the functions and the richer JWs hand them money and pay for their utilities, who pays for the utililites of JWs who are too poor to have a warm home? Take a look at all the angles the Watchtower screws the rank-and-file members with, most are in deep financial debt, some have filed bankruptcy every Seven years before the more aggressive BK reform was activated.
I told you about the Kingdom Hall "Creep Side" Congregation, it's where the Witnesses were browe-beaten for three months and those who did not agree, were taken to the Rehabilitation Stress Camp (Elders Room, Priveleges were stripped off immediantly from Elder to RF, taken to the Elders room many of times and harrassed in Field Service why "You are not being loving by giving the $48 a month for life".
In all, the Watchtower has a pretty good scam, telling the poorest members of Society to blindly follow and draining them of their saving to keep up the appearances that the Watchtower treats the Traveling Brothers and Branch Members so good! Wrong!