Ooophs, I don't believe Micheal is Jesus Christ, it's pure speculation on the WTS part, so I erase my post and shut up. I don't think Micheal had any fear of Satan, he was demonstrating great humility and waited for God the Father or his Son Jesus Christ to rebuke the horrible Devil! Sorry I missed your question, no proof Jesus was Micheal unless we use their verse "Will call out like a Arch Angel" but still how do we know YHWH does not have more than one General or Arch Angel?
JoinedPosts by RottenRiley
If Jesus is Michael, then why would he be afraid of Satan?
by Pronger1 injude 1:9 shows that michael didn't dare rebuke satan.
if jesus is michael, then why would he be afraid to do so?
in matthew and mark it clearly shows that the demons were afraid of jesus..
What Is Cognitive Dissoance and How Does It Affect False Prophecy (Dr. William Lane Craig).
by RottenRiley inmore clarity on cognitive dissonance, by william lane craig (double phd)for those who hear this term, dr. craig explains what c.d.
is and mentions how jehovahs witnesses were affected by failed prophecy and how the watchtower salvaged its second coming failed prophecy.. .
i like how he explains the concept we all are becoming more familiar with, enjoy the podcast, you will throughly understand what cognitive dissoance is after this twenty minute podcasts.
More Clarity on Cognitive Dissonance, by William Lane Craig (Double PHD)For those who hear this term, Dr. Craig explains what C.D. is and mentions how Jehovah’s Witnesses were affected by failed prophecy and how the Watchtower salvaged it’s Second Coming Failed Prophecy.
I like how he explains the concept we all are becoming more familiar with, enjoy the podcast, you will throughly understand what Cognitive Dissoance is after this twenty minute podcasts. It's on the "Empty Tomb" and Resurrection.
The Elders Returned, as Promised!
by exWTslave inwonderful love!.
wonderful love!.
wonderful love!.
ExWtSlave, what's the biggest quality you think keep's a person from going off to Atheism? How much suffering can a human take before they began to flirt with thoughts "God does not exist!", once you have a bitter taste of religion it's hard to differentiate between religion and spirituality.
TV Ideas For JWNers. "Luther", "Dexter" "The Killings" "Braquo"-
by RottenRiley ini am looking for more ideas of interesting movies and gritty crime shows to watch.. .
the killings, wallander, luther, dexter, braquo (french (english subbed) german (berlin berlin), sherlock, george gently, inspector frost, inspector lewis, did i say "dexter (though the ending was a bummer :( ) "orange is the new black", "house of cards", "mad men".. .
can you add to my profile of movies and series i need to see?
I am looking for more ideas of interesting movies and gritty crime shows to watch.
The Killings, Wallander, Luther, Dexter, Braquo (French (English Subbed) German (Berlin Berlin), Sherlock, George Gently, Inspector Frost, Inspector Lewis, did I say "Dexter (though the ending was a bummer :( ) "Orange is the New Black", "House of Cards", "Mad Men".
Can you add to my profile of movies and series I need to see? Argentina director "El Intento En Los Ojos", "Mi Mejor Enemigo (Chile), "Sin Nombre" (Mexico Spanish). Looking for good movies, please feel free to add all language titles and gritty crime shows.
What If JWs Banned Children From The Kingdom Hall So Pedophile Elders Could Be Free From Temptation?
by RottenRiley in
church bans children so pedophile pastor can preachposted in the jehovah's witness forum.
weird older thread on topix, one jw comments "at least they told their flock he's a pedo, jws keep those details hidden!
Peter the pedophile who molested a four year old told the BOE she "tempted him", he had returned from Bethel and was promoted in a hurry. Meanwhile he was violating the commandments by Moses and the Elder Body thought it was no big deal, he was a "Keeper" in their eyes! The man who wrote letters against the corrupt elder boy was finally given his position back as Elder again. Now he is on their side, this religion is weird, he has even made a olive branch toward's the Pedophiles he tried to kill off!
The Hebrews were told to "Burn With Fire" people who raped their mother or sister! In JW-Land, your given a position for life unless you could cost the Tower Lawsuit money.
eviticus 18
The Message (MSG)
18 1-5 God spoke to Moses: “Speak to the People of Israel. Tell them, I am God, your God. Don’t live like the people of Egypt where you used to live, and don’t live like the people of Canaan where I’m bringing you. Don’t do what they do. Obey my laws and live by my decrees. I am your God. Keep my decrees and laws: The person who obeys them lives by them. I am God.
6 “Don’t have sex with a close relative. I am God.
7 “Don’t violate your father by having sex with your mother. She is your mother. Don’t have sex with her.
8 “Don’t have sex with your father’s wife. That violates your father.
9 “Don’t have sex with your sister, whether she’s your father’s daughter or your mother’s, whether she was born in the same house or elsewhere.
10 “Don’t have sex with your son’s daughter or your daughter’s daughter. That would violate your own body.
11 “Don’t have sex with the daughter of your father’s wife born to your father. She is your sister.
12 “Don’t have sex with your father’s sister; she is your aunt, closely related to your father.
13 “Don’t have sex with your mother’s sister; she is your aunt, closely related to your mother.
14 “Don’t violate your father’s brother, your uncle, by having sex with his wife. She is your aunt.
15 “Don’t have sex with your daughter-in-law. She is your son’s wife; don’t have sex with her.
16 “Don’t have sex with your brother’s wife; that would violate your brother.
17 “Don’t have sex with both a woman and her daughter. And don’t have sex with her granddaughters either. They are her close relatives. That is wicked.
18 “Don’t marry your wife’s sister as a rival wife and have sex with her while your wife is living.
19 “Don’t have sex with a woman during the time of her menstrual period when she is unclean.
20 “Don’t have sex with your neighbor’s wife and violate yourself by her.
21 “Don’t give any of your children to be burned in sacrifice to the god Molech—an act of sheer blasphemy of your God. I am God.
22 “Don’t have sex with a man as one does with a woman. That is abhorrent.
23 “Don’t have sex with an animal and violate yourself by it.
“A woman must not have sex with an animal. That is perverse.
24-28 “Don’t pollute yourself in any of these ways. This is how the nations became polluted, the ones that I am going to drive out of the land before you. Even the land itself became polluted and I punished it for its iniquities—the land vomited up its inhabitants. You must keep my decrees and laws—natives and foreigners both. You must not do any of these abhorrent things. The people who lived in this land before you arrived did all these things and polluted the land. And if you pollute it, the land will vomit you up just as it vomited up the nations that preceded you.
29-30 “Those who do any of these abhorrent things will be cut off from their people. Keep to what I tell you; don’t engage in any of the abhorrent acts that were practiced before you came. Don’t pollute yourselves with them. I am God, your God.”
Don't let your job interfere with your meeting attendance
by Quarterback inrecently, a public speaker brought up this point that i remembered being preached in the 70's.
when they bring this matter up, they always manage to give you an experience of how one person stood his ground, and got a great job offer, as a result.. what about the many experiences of ones that were not blessed?
i can memtion horror stories of ones that should have kept working their meetings..
We all were trained to feel guilty on Meetings Nights if we worked.
Ray Franz Jr. Exposed the truth that many Governing Body Members did not attend the Tuesday and Thursday Meetings, are they not deserving of Hell Fire if there is a Hell?
The Governing Body bind men with all burdens and are unwilling to lift a finger to help them. How does it make you feel to know the very men who told us to "Feel guilt" did not attend meetings?
Elder's Instructional Video on Disfellowshiping and Counseling Suicidal Witnesses, Hurry before it's pulled by Organization!
by RottenRiley in
it's on john cedar's blog, please comment if you think it's good or bad!.
jehovah asked the religious creeps to "please shut the kingdom hall door because i am sick of looking in your worthless service!.
Don't know when the Watchtower is going to ask Cedars to pull his videos, get a glance at how the Elder's Meetings (Secret World to JWs, Not to JWN where every Elder explained and apologized for our gross lack of critical thinking and wrongful and sometimes hateful actions against our fellow JWs when we were not in a position to judge, we were high on the fumes of the Governing Body's Crack Cocaine Doctrine.).
Just Bumping this so everyone get's a chance to watch Robby and Suicide Blonde JW. We all have played with thoughts of the "Dark Side", I made only fun at how this sister's serious suicide issue was handled in all three videos. She was never asked to seek therapy or mental health, this is like when my mother was told to pray when my brother died in 1976, the Elders said she had "too much sadness when the End was so close!".
Who pioneered with the promise of having 'Jehovah provide' and ended up dirt poor anyway?
by Julia Orwell ini ask this because the wt always bangs on about if you trust in jehovah and make that leap into pioneering, you will always be provided for.
at the time i joined the cult, a friend was continuous aux.
Who has not fallen for that trap, I knew friends with terminal illnesses who thought Pioneering would assure them a Resurrection, how sick in the head do you think the elders were who encouraged a inactive man with cancer to preach with a Chemo-Bag and Morphine cart from door-to-door?
Shit, "Here come's Father Death" the householders would say!
Don't let your job interfere with your meeting attendance
by Quarterback inrecently, a public speaker brought up this point that i remembered being preached in the 70's.
when they bring this matter up, they always manage to give you an experience of how one person stood his ground, and got a great job offer, as a result.. what about the many experiences of ones that were not blessed?
i can memtion horror stories of ones that should have kept working their meetings..
There are JWs who are working part-time at age 83 years old at a fuel station, he is a die hard JW and believe's "The End is Neigh!".
We had a JW Contractor (age 74) fall off a roof and die, he had no money and his elderly wife ended up addicted to Valium, Xanax and Norco!
JW Elderly Couple were getting California's Welfare plus the Fed's $906 per month, she was a Greeter at Walmart and he was trying to sell odd items (Amway and Herbalife) part-time, so the Watchtower has created a class below Poverty, they ought to be proud of their contributions to make this world a Living Hell for their elderly and infirm!
Did JWN Discredit "JehovahIsJudgeUk" website?
by RottenRiley inthey use poor reasoning, they wiggle around the question and ignore the fact the watchtower was affiliated with the united nations.
this website fails to ignore the facts that we were not allowed to join the ymca even though we did not follow the charter rules, the watchtower agreed to follow the un charter and did so from 1992 to 2001 when the scandal was exposed.. .
have any of you seen works to debunk their slanted arguments and dishonest play of words?.
So they were followers of the E-Watchman guy, got tricked in to exposing the Apostasy of 1992 and now they repented from their sins? Sounds like a Cult! Thank you for helping me on this one, I used JW-Facts and read the Letter-Trail with Watchtower's Spin-Machine, oh he was not a good spin-doctor, he sucked and the UK Guardian Author crushed his lying ass! Does he not know Jesus Christ hate's liars and will send them to Hell?
Ty again, it's still hard to understand how easy Witnesses lie to keep their faith, how did they ever stand up in the face of Nazi Persecution, if they easily Waffle under a UK Author? Oh, that's right, it was the Germans who withstood while Ruthernut pickled his liver with good whisky like many JW Elders I know of, it's how they disfellowshiped ROBBY and gave poor advice to Suicide Blonde!