Thanks Ruby!
The Watchtower refuses to answer the valid questions asked by Christians and Non Christians alike! I think I would pay to see them try to justify their position based on a Parable. Can you imagine the GB saying "99 percent of the Parables are Parables except the Faithful Slave, Jesus Christ Jehovah provided a Faithful Slave for all mankind to emulate and blindly follow and obey without questioning this Modern Day Moses and Aaron. If you doubt us, than you are the Modern Korah, Dathan and Abiratham. The Faithful Slave though not directly taught in the Holy Scriptures is explained throughly by Jehovah's Witnesses, anyone who disagrees will get shunned or told they will die at the Big A."
How do they justify their waffling positions on "These Blood Fragments are not Blood, therefore we have sanctified this Blood Product!", next "The Generation or Overlapping Generation", "Shunning is Christian", "Hatred of Dissidents is Christian", "Not caring about the Poor, the Orphans, the Elderly or developing programs for humanity's bettering, those things are Bad while donating money to cover Pedophile Lawsuits, That's Good!"
I would enjoy seeing the Fundamental Christians destroy them on topics of humanity, human rights, antichrist conduct. The Governing Body would get up and walk away from the lowly Christians like the Pharisees hated the common man and women. It's strange my Aunt told me seven years ago I would find out the truth about the truth (before that term was coined) because I was having problems understanding why my Aunts all hated each other. I have a Aunt who is the most wicked woman you can imagine, she thrieves off pain and suffering, loves to gossip about all the JWs who don't kiss her ass. Her kids can't wait for her to die, she complains they are all bickering over who is going to get her money, what wonderful humans this religion breeds, don't you think?