ExSlave, are you a Theist? If so, did you read Anthony Flew's book and why he changed his viewpoint before his death?
JoinedPosts by RottenRiley
Atheists Are More Advantaged Than The Religious Teachers!
by exWTslave in1) if an atheist becomes selfish, others have no reason to be discouraged.
but see what happens if a religious leader becomes selfish, many may copy his behavior.
[many people know how lavishly rutherford lived even during great depression].
Getting bariatric surgery in March!
by marmot inafter being on a waiting list for three and a half years i've finally reached the light at the end of the tunnel and am going under the knife for a gastric sleeve operation in march.
i can't tell you how pumped i am because i'll finally be able to re-take my life after being severely overweight for several years.
i gained a ton of weight after being put on meds for bipolar disorder and it made exercising a painful chore.
My brother had the surgery, he kept the weight-loss off after for three years and is back to 400lbs. I use to train at the local gym and heavy duty workouts, riding 200 miles on my road bike a week, swimming 15 miles and running 3-5 miles a day. I stayed at 190 lb 6:3 for 38 years, once I backed off the exercise the weight started to pour on and I had to change my routine again. Lifting weights was perfect, all the weight I gained helped my strenght but I don't like weighing so much. It all started when I was dealing with the Pedophile situation, I started to take some happy pills and lost my energy, I hope you are able to get some of the new guys!
I hope you have a total-plan to aid you because only one person I know has kept the weight off him. He had three heart-attacks, went from 465lbs down to 225 (got the surgery at 51 years old), he was morbidly obese and now after six years he is still hanging around 230-240 range because he changed his eating habits totally!
It's a life style alteration, I hope when the weight shedds off like melting butter your able to get out and walk and do as much light to medium excersise as possible, we had many JW Sisters get this surgery and their stomachs started to expand again because the Watchtower is not conducive for a healthy life.
Witnesses here in Santa Barbara, Ventura County and SLO were taking Topamax and Phenterimine for weight loss, they look like lizards with gray hair, none of them thought Exercise was important so they packed the weight back on once they dropped these amphetimine weight loss drugs.
Your medications "Seroquel, Abilify and Lithium are "Weight+" meds, they zap most people of energy so the weight packs on because you have no energy and the Meds usually make your brain feel numb. There are a new generation of meds that are more "weight-neutral", hope your situation works out well, you need your meds but you need some energy, get some good books on this topic, I want you to be a success!
Thirty Years a Watch Tower Slave
by Londo111 ini just finished reading this and enjoyed it.
however, if i was newly awakening or on the verge of awakening, i dont think this book would have helped me a great deal.
brother schnell has some good thoughts, however, he is short on detail and description, and even shorter on proof and documentation.. it is interesting reading about the transition of the bible students from a small group of independent noncomformists into an organization characterized by total conformity.
Londo, we were so lucky Brother Ray Franz jr. loved Jesus Christ more than he loved the praise and financial security provided by the Watchtower Society. Do you all ever think or ponder, what a great cost Ray Franz paid because he could not live with the Organization's Spiritual Destruction?
We have members on JWN who return because they miss their family, the cost Raymond Franz jr paid was his financial security, he lost all his pseudo JW family at a age most people would never do, he had more courage and love for YHWH and Jesus Christ, he truly was a faithful slave of Christ we all could do well to mimic, his authentic livings made him someone special. No GB Member has ever left but him, they were too worried of financial ruin, so when I compare most JW Books compared to Ray Franz's Bench Mark, none of them compare. If you can only read two books, COC and ISOCF are the two books JWs need to read, nobody writes and provides the documented facts like Ray did!
Another day, another JW child rapist bust - Jeffrey Buzzard
by zed is dead inhere is the article, i can't make it clickable, and would appreciate if someone would do that for me.
What adds insult to injury are the crazy JW Groupies who come before the Judge and plead for mercy for the Pedophiles. Have you seen that happen? It's the crazy Circus Act you won't believe! A Seasoned Pedophile rape's three girls and ten members from the Congregation show up to tell the Judge "Brother Elder-Chester was a good man! He took all our girls in Field Service, something must have slipped or he had a break-down. You must show mercy to Brother Chester, he will prove he's a great man in Prison when he start's his JW Sex Offenders Prison Group next to Cell Block Bubba Big and Gross-Burger!"
UN NGO Association Document
by pronomono indoes anyone know where the un moved their statement about the watchtower ngo association?
it used to be that you could use the search function (see: http://search.un.org/search?q=watchtower+bible+tract+society+filetype%3apdf&btng=search+un+website&output=xml_no_dtd&client=un_website_en&proxystylesheet=un_website_en&oe=utf-8&ie=utf-8.
&adv=true&lr=lang_en&num=100&sort=score&submit2=search&ulang=en&entqrm=0&ud=1&exclude_apps=1&site= ) and find it in the results, but as of january, i can't find it anymore.
Smiddy, your right, any letter you send to Bethel is sent back to your Congregation and Circuit Overseer, so which of the two entities is going to have a copy? They are not going to give you a straight answer on the UN NGO Scandal, not going to happen!
Being an Atheist Is Bad For Your Health
by Space Madness ini stopped believing in god in july 2013. in the first 3 months or so i felt liberated and relieved that i can live my life anyway i wanted without worrying about an invisible being watching my every move.
i also felt slightly superior that i was able to figure out that god isn't real while the majority of mankind continued to be fooled.
atfer the feelings of excitment statrted to wear off, i started to become more depressed and empty.
Space, what's keeping you from returning, the lack of love and intense hatred and judging I do not miss. I am sorry so much of your life is still stuck in JW-Land, if you have family activily practicing this Cult, that's a tough one! I hope they treat you better than the way we treated the inactive and weak members in the Halls I attended, love is limited and most kids never fit in the Cult Scene, Little Kingdom Hall Shop of Horrors.
Space there has to be a better way, when you find it please share with me!
Qualifications for Gods Sole Channel--interesting article from the meletivivlon site
by Jon Preston inqualifications to become gods channel of communication[this article was contributed by apollos].
the new teaching of the appointment of the faithful and discreet slave has arguably made 1919 an even more important date to jehovahs witnesses than 1914. appendix b1 of the revised nwt bible shows a time line of the message of the bible in relation to gods rulership.
it is of note that the official doctrine of the establishment of gods kingdom in 1914 is not even mentioned only that satan was cast down around that time.. ever since the 1919 doctrine was announced at the 2012 agm, and subsequently published in the july 15th watchtower 2013, the appointment of the slave seems to have become a much more prominent topic in our teaching, and indeed in general discussion among witnesses.. of course we should remind ourselves that this new level of interest really has nothing to do with the date, and everything to do with the nature of the appointment.
Why did Rutherford spend money like a king at Watchtower HQ, the best cars, booze and food? His "Vow of Poverty" is a joke, I hope he is burning in Hell now! I think about the fact Rutherford drove the equivalent of two Rolls Royces during the Great Depression while the Rank-and-File were peddling bikes around town.
Think now, what did Rutherford do that would make Jesus Christ notice he was alive? The "hate speech" against all the Christian Churches? Was it Sedition and creating mobs during World War 1? Rutherford and L. Ron Hubbord are two birds of a kind, L. Ron Hubbord pulled all his doctrines out of his ass, Rutherford looked at the Bible and twerked it so it pleasured him while his dance partners were the recipients of his painful dance!
After reading COC and ISOCF, it's childish how we all were tricked by our non-thinking parents who selfishly longed to be taken out of this world so they would not have to assimilate. The Message of Rutherford was Theocratic-Materialism, you don't have to go to college, work a good job and God will provide the followers of the Watchtower with their neighbors homes and material goods after the Big A came. JWs have no idea how bad the teachings of Rutherford were, his interpretations if shown to the Modern JWs might cause them to mentally flicker for a second until they become nervous your trying to trick them. Which Bible Interpretations would Jesus have been proud of? I find no enlightment in the Watchtower's deceptive teachings, the majority is lies and does not promote the true quality of love!
Japan Lost 500 Congregations!!!!
by metatron indo the math:.
1998 - 3,802 congregations (1999 yrbook figure) .
(drum roll, please).
Metron would know, he's good with math and numbers! Metron do you have a update on Japan?
exJW Elder and Felon in Jail
by Haupi33 inexjw elder and felony fugative, michael johnson norris, plead guilt today, 2/27/2014, in santa barbara county superior court for sexual molestation of the daughter of brandon joel, under a plea deal norris was sentenced to in state prison, a far cry from the possible 25 years he could have received had the case gone to trial.
the family has full intentions of pursuing a civil litigation against norris and the watchtower society that harbors pedophiles..
Santa Barbara County has plenty of JW Pedophiles, it would not surprise me if he was part of the same Body of Elders, who kept my friendly Pedophile-Elder's secret for years. True, many Elder Bodies are good at keeping the secrets of their own Elders even when they are child rapists as we all learned from the lawsuits plaguing the Watchtower Corp.
What can we say, I really believe the Kingdom Hall is capable hiding all the Pedophiles the World can bring to them! Remember, if you made a accusation against Brother Johnson, your guilty of gossip and the Elders can punish you if you warn the young mother with three little girls under the age of 10, the Elders will call you in their Office and say "Stop spreading the truth about Brother Chester!" What better way to stagnate your thinking faculty than joining the "City of Refuge" for Pedophiles, glad this asshole is going to jail, is it possible Big Brutus is waiting for him?
Modern Day Governing Body Members Do Not Go "Door To Door" or Informal Witnessing! Why?
by RottenRiley inwhat sorrow awaits you!
for you say that it means nothing to swear by gods temple, but that it is binding to swear by the gold in the temple.
20when you swear by the altar, you are swearing by it and by everything on it.
D.D. it looks like a case of PhotoShop, what's the reason to lie about the preaching work? Ray Franz Jr. (a Governing Body Member) was very clear when he said only a few of the Governing Body felt they were obligated to Preach the Bible from door-to-door, the rest had problems attending Meetings and played hookey from Monday and Wed Night Meetings, Ray Franz had no reason to lie about the lack of zeal his fellow GB Members showed towards the Good News, just like the Pharisees, the GB want the most prominent spots at the table, don't want to lower themselves to attend Kingdom Halls unless it's a Grand Opening, we have more than enough evidence to support the majority of the GB don't preach from door-to-door.
St. Paul, St. Peter, St. John and all the other Apostles got rolled! If they saw how the Governing Body live, they would ask Jesus "Hey, I thought we were not suppose to play the role of king and priest until we got to Heaven, why are these guys living like gods?"
James Wood commented on this topic, he too discovered there were GB Members shirking off their duty and acting sluggish with the Preaching Work, I can't wait for Jesus Christ to judge these Hypocrites! Tellings us to preach the good news when they are too busy, why do you think the COs take so many breaks, they are not motivated to preach either!