Interesting. Using the technique of "CORNERING" people. LOL
JoinedPosts by RagingBull
Soooo, PRINCE is still a JW I guess? (he's using the tactics)
by RagingBull in
using the technique of "cornering" people.
Well, it was a fine week to LEAVE!
by RagingBull in....well, i was going to wait.
go out with a bang!?
i decided (like many others this week!
Funny thing was - the subject of last Sunday's WT! LOL they must think I give NO F*CKS! LOL.... and they're right. I don't! LOL
Reverse Shunning
by exwhyzee insometing happened yesterday that i thought might be noteworty enough to relate to you here.. mrs. eyz and i were invited to my new boss's home for his annual end of summer party.
it's a pretty big deal....his is a name known locally (i'll call him j.r.) a really nice interesting guy who's held a number of high level and politically connected jobs.
there was to be music, dancing, wine and reprotedly lots of well dressed, well educated, well to do and influential people (oh yes...and us) in attendance.. anyway we thought we'd make an occasion out of it and got ourselves spiffed up which involved new outfits and extra mirror time before we left home.
Good times indeed. I'm sure the JWs must've claimed how tight Satan's grip must be on you to have talked down on you. Then as they continued their boring evening, eating a boring meal...they prepared to get up early and continue their boring life by attending a meeting or going out in boring ass field service. LOL Stuck in a RUT
Goal for new service year
by Daniel1555 inthe secretary of the congregation said in a talk, what the congregation should have as goal for the new service year: attend field service meetings!.
he explained in a sad tone, that he visited all of our 3 or 4 service groups.
and what happened at the field service meetings.
isn't it somewhere on public record that JWs go in FS of their own will and that the ministry is PERSONAL. So that means since they're not representingn the WTBTS and taking it all upon need to Turn in Time, or Meet with the GROUP.
"You can't Disfellowship me ......."
by Phizzy inif i ever get the threat of being df'd i think i will say :.
" the religion i left a few years ago no longer exists, you can't disfellowship me from a religion that i never had fellowship in !"..
i know this will make no difference at all, as would whatever i said if they had made up their minds, but it would point out how very very silly the whole idea would be.. any other ideas to briefly sum up what a stupid thing dfing is ?.
If they show up...and claim they "need to talk", I may smile...and say "Maaaaan, if you don't get the fuck off my stoop. I don't believe in that." LOL
C.T. Russell mentioned at beginning of this article. LOL (Miracle Wheat)
by RagingBull in
the org will phase ct out of the picture at some point (completely) i'm sure.. .
the ORG will phase CT out of the picture at some point (completely) I'm sure.
Field Service
by Brainfloss infirst i haven't been out in service for many 10 or more years.
i haven't been to a meeting in 2-3 years.
i have seen a lot of ttat tracts available online.
if an elder is conducting...I'm sure he'll want to "work with you" at least for 1/2 the time you're out. He'll most likely ask questions like "Have you been meeting with another group or where you off work today?" He'll probably feel you out a bit too. See what your thoughts are on all of the changes happening in the ORG.
Well, it was a fine week to LEAVE!
by RagingBull in....well, i was going to wait.
go out with a bang!?
i decided (like many others this week!
....well, I was going to wait. Go out with a BANG!? not really. For what?
I decided (like many others this week!) to LEAVE!
IF you are MENTALLY OUT - AWESOME! but if you have family and people you depend on that are still IN, I can understand your reason for sticking around.
But maybe this will help you make up your mind;
There will be wild emotions during your exit. From you and those you notify. You will get over it once you've made up your mind that NO ONE ELSE CAN CHANGE YOUR MIND about your decision. I promise, it may happen sooner than you think.
Gather all of your bills together....put them on a table in front of you and read who they are addressed to. Ask yourself WHO PAYS your bills and feeds you and/or your family? NOT THE WATCHTOWER.....NONE OF THE ELDERS!....ONLY YOU!
As EX-JWs we realize that we will not be BULLIED by a money-grubbing ORGANIZATION! THEY are NO BIG DEAL!!! TAKE BACK YOUR POWER! MEET with the BODY? FOR WHAT!? YOUR MIND IS MADE UP! YOU no longer play by THEIR RULES. You laugh at them and their make-believe authority!
SHOW EVERYONE THAT YOU ARE COMFORTABLE WITH LEAVING IT ALL BEHIND BECAUSE YOU FOUND OUT THE REAL DEAL! YOU CAN DO IT! The MORE people start leaving, the MORE others will notice and will have a NEED to find out WHY so many are leaving so frequently.
Question for the nonbelievers and atheists
by nykid inwhat specifically made you stop believing in god and the bible?
was it a steady road of doubts or it was reading one book or one major event that made you realize the bible was not what it's claimed to be?.
I think religion has morphed GOD into whatever they/mankind want it to be. If GOD exists it is probably far different than anyone has imagined. The GOD of the Bible is bipolar, and uncaring - keeping everyone waiting for thousands of years while the most horrid things take place here on earth. I do not count out that there could be SOMETHING out there, it's just that IF there is a GOD, it must be beyond our comprehension.
I've always been curious about Ancient civilizations (Egypt in particular) and how they worshipped...what was their religious views and why did they hold these beliefs? I questioned if the Jews really were slaves in Egypt and if there were evidence of the Exodus from Egypt at all. And if they were so special why is it that THEY are not the ones who originated WRITTEN or DRAWN records of history/stories, astronomy and so on? It appears that because the Israelites of old were no big deal, they decided to create their own history. Drawing on things they learned in Egypt (stories and moral codes) and tweeking them to fit their race or culture while borrowing from other ancient civilizations. I wondered about the timeline from Adam (some say 4062BCE or something) and the age of some of the man-made monuments, structures, villages, tools that all seem to pre-date the Biblical Adam. The Wheel itself is older than Adam. I considered infant mortality during ancient times as well.
I feel that religion is just what keeps people in line and under the control of those who know how to use it as a tool to pressure and manipulate individuals. Religion guilttrips people into giving over their money, lives, and minds to it. If GOD exists...the shit we bother to stress over is none of it's concern I can guarantee you.
Two more quitters!
by apocalypse inin my city, there's been a husband and wife who quit this week.
the first thing that came to mind when i heard it was 'they didn't need my help'.. you see, many in my city who quit in the past were previously on my mailing list.
GOOD FOR THEM (those who got out).... YOU CAN NOW ADD ME TO THE LIST! :)
I wonder how many leave on a monthly basis.